i’ve just come to expect new characters/weapons coming out hot to get people to purchase knowing they’ll be reigned in a couple patches later
these are the times
patch notes are Content
Because the most basic form, the one that breaks with character changes, is super easy to implement (sharing most if not all features with netcode, a multiplayer match conceptually being “a replay of the match you’d be having with your opponent playing on the same machine”) and also an invaluable debugging tool.
oh no that looks tedious as hell
I take back everything I’ve said about PSVR2. The entire thing is now worth it. BRB, going to go pre-order one.
The fact that Sega decided Cosmic Smash is worth creating a (absolutely sick) teaser site for in 2023 is amazing. I guess good things do happen sometimes!
OH MY GOD VR COSMIC SMASH ahh I hope the announcer has 100 new phrases
next level… cosmic bus 420… drink pepsi
There’s been a sudden increase in Energy costs here which is already made two arcades I follow on twitter say “this is it we can’t afford this.”
i love that in the past year no less than 5 guys with classified military clearance have gotten upset enough about people talking out of their ass about aircraft design performance on the official forums that they release state secrets in a rage. The internet would have been insane during the Cold War, they would not have been able to keep a lid on fuckin anything if people got into trolling
Spiro Agnew, sneering, uploading the full specs of the F4 Phantom to own the infuriatingly smug IronCross88
Plot twist: IronCross88 is H.R. Haldeman
have I ever told you both about my screenplay for Patton 2
he comes back and haunts/emasculates all the presidents but it’s love at first sight with him and Nixon and there’s a really steamy sex scene like in Ghost
looks like there might be a demon’s tilt sequel coming
i am still astounded that the switch version is the only one with online multiplayer just truly wild how these companies work
can’t stop laughing at the fact that they needed permission from Sony Music Publishing to use the bond theme lmao
this whole thing is a legal nightmare
bless whatever poor soul who managed to get all these stars to align