Wait this costs how much
its robertas trick
i remember Geoff actually casually mentioned this without any elaboration during the Keighlies this year
I have joined the Colossal Cave Discord and half the users are using their shoot names, I haven’t been in a place this square since I joined a HAM radio AOL chat room, I bet I could commit a lot of wire fraud tonight if I really wanted to
I played Half Life 2 on the Xbox I brought to the meetup, surprisingly it works lmao.
Relink is the next big dumb stupid action RPG and I’m excited that they’ve announced the final delay
… does that mean this video of the hub area target dummy is an official trailer?
Slow-paced, methodical gameplay
i love when i read it
Oh, this is where they want me to buy the game again but with a longer name and more DLC to buy also–and the rollback netcode they decided not to give you for your money the first time around so the game withered and died almost immediately for those who cared about netplay, which is not me. Hm looks like it will have cross-play now too.
Fortunately I tired of the gameplay so my wallet is safe, but yeesh. Ugly business model, real ugly. Arc have been doing the incremental-game-update-for-full-price thing since at least GGX+ in 2001, but this may be about the most blatant it has looked–based on just that trailer.
Then again it sounded like most hardcore fighting game people over here DIDN’T buy GBFV the first time around due to it not having rollback, so maybe from their point of view none of that matters now if they can get a game they might like with rollback… I guess that’s part of the calculation here. But they’re also trying to get these people to pay probably full new game price for an updated 3.5-year-old game.
Which would just be gross all around. If they’re selling it for half price I would cut them some slack–a lot of slack, actually. But they probably aren’t.
This will sound judgey but I promise it’s not, I’m just curious: what would your ideal fighting game business model be?
I was wondering why they don’t do more cosmetic DLC?
I for one would be willing to support a fighting game I especially like by buying overpriced hats like Team Fortress fans do.
Awesome free games forever
I’ve been lurking in their discord and it sounds like this game is going to be a lot more ambitious than redo.
Arcsys says alt costumes are an enormous amount of work due to all tricks they use to mimic 2d animation
I think the only character that’s had an alt in any of these 3d games is Elphelt in Xrd?