ACTION 5 NEWS with Chuck Scarsdale

I’m a huge Etrian Odyssey fan but I always felt the manual mapping wasn’t particularly key to the experience, so I don’t mind if it’s finally replaced by an automap. The core dungeon crawler and battle stuff stands on its own, and I found its most interesting innovation was the emphasis on optional midbosses.

My biggest regret is that it seems to be a direct port of the original DS EOs without the additional content in the 3DS “untold” remakes. Especially in the EO2 remake, there was a new option of making progress in several different directions if you were blocked from going further upward. It had an optional underground dungeon, and it rewarded you with a chart of enemy weaknesses after beating a given type once: so you could struggle to beat your first FOE, and after that easily wipe all of the identical ones on that floor.