5 games that give a feel of who you are.

SMT Strange Journey : I am as desperate and pessimistic about climate change as this game

Dark Souls 2: Sometimes being the black sheep is okay

Hidden my game by mom: My childhood, except I needed AA batteries to play Zelda LA instead

Super Hexagon: Puts me into a trance in like 1 second

Unlimited Saga / Goblet Grotto: I love extremely stylish and uninviting media


That list gives me an idea for a podcast.

Even though I am not confident that I could ever explain it I want to be 100% certain that everyone knows my list was not a joke list


mother 3

kayne & lynch 2: dog days

heart of darkness


dragon quest i&ii for the super famicon (is that cheating)


oh man please give me more detail on why this is on your list! <3

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it was one of the first games i ever played, on the first console i ever owned. i was really young and this game frightened (and puzzled) me because i couldn’t understand it; not only for the language barrier (it took several weeks for me to understand i had to switch disks at some point because i couldn’t read the text on the screen telling me to do so or something) since there’s very little text, but everything in it, for kid-me, was so overwhelming.

i mean, the protagonist is a boy looking for his dog, that’s pretty straight forward – but there are these horrendous, shadowy-y things wanting to eat him and he’s so vulnerable against them and this strange, silent environment. i had nightmares about those things for many years.

i died a lot, although i don’t remember ever being frustrated. i was determined, i think in retrospect, to understand this thing that spoke in a language i didn’t know, in a medium i didn’t know of (it was the first time i saw 3d animation!!). everytime i go back to it, i think the experience of playing this game for many months until the end helped forge my way of treating art as a thing: because of it i can credit, if only partially, my habit of never paying attention to songs’ lyrics. or being able to not remember a thing about a movie’s plot after a few days but having a certain scene carved in my mind forever for one reason or the other, and saying i love that movie sincerely for just that.

i remember being in early highschool and the teacher talking about modern art. how “no longer [sic] people felt the need to copy reality, that they could make art about feelings and fuzzy memories and other strange things in a way that everyone else couldn’t really understand at first”. i felt like this was kinda obvious and i think, even if only a little bit, heart of darkness helped me understand it.


i did a single-sitting blind let’s play of the game awhile back. well, it wasn’t totally blind because i guess the speedrunners follow the game on twitch and were giving me some tips here and there

game is incredibly cruel but also very meaningful and beautiful

the last few screens are utterly absurd in terms of difficulty

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Yeah i liked that game a bunch but i don’t know that i ever beat it, got stuck on that part and just watched the rest on yourtube.
Neat game though watching a child get brutally murdered over and over is, uhhh, a trip (see also: Inside)

I would probably change my OUTLAW VALUES selection to wolfenstein 2 since it’s more modern and accessible even though it doesn’t have any cop killing, which it should. it’s easy to blow away oppressors when they speak a foreign tongue and wear a foreign army’s uniform. but it is more revolutionary minded and robin hood always sells out at the end.

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I accidentally marked a bunch of threads as unread so I’m going through all of them. Turns out many of them were actually unread but just not tracked, so lots of new stuff for me!

Anyway I had written this partial list and then never posted it so here you go:

Katamari Damacy because it’s lovely (like me)
Deadly Premonition (but only up until the sinner’s sandwich) because it’s strangely charming and disconcerting at the same time (like me)
Minecraft because you can do whatever you want with it and it doesn’t care (like me)



SNK’s King Of Fighters Series As An Aesthetic but particularly Garou Mark of the Wolves
I love KOF. I dedicated hours of one summer vacation to learning as much as I could about Garou: Mark of the Wolves over many drunk nights spent as a young 21 year old vs. one angry Australian I am sadly no longer friends with. At the time though I was starkly a khaki shorts and t-shirts kind of dude - it was King of Fighters that lead me to embrace any idea of femininity as coolness and since then I have based a lot of how I look on characters in SNK fighting games.

is it surprising if I say:

If there is a game that affected me more it is probably (hopefully) less embarrassing than this, but Kingdom Hearts perfectly captures the joyful exuberance I feel towards friends and friendship. Kingdom Hearts taught me it was okay to love the world and the people inside of it, and to do it with a Japanese pop star singing about bizarre pseudo-philosophical concepts at the same time. It is also absolutely irredeemable trash.

Maybe less surprising:

It is my deep personal belief that we are not always in control of the tools we’re given in life, but that we still have to use whatever brush we are given on the world as our canvas. I believe that because Okami speaks to my soul, and it takes me to a place of watercolor and wonder pretty much every single time I play. It has French Japanese Watercolor Dante. Let’s Rock, Ma Chérie.

this should be pretty obvious

Here’s my other personal belief: We also aren’t always in control of who or how we express our desire for the lust of flesh. Sometimes you want a Jill Sandwich, and sometimes you want to maul Chris in a hallway and bite his throat out with your teeth. People will come and go in the spaces you inhabit and you wont always be in control of what they do there. We will be reminded of death by the things that haunt the hallways of life, and if I have to be that thing I am okay with it.

Nightmare Creatures 2
When artistic vision is ruined by awful gameplay, here I am.


i feel the old list has became more normie since it was compiled


Can’t believe I missed both this thread and its eventual development into a form of self expression considering I was already doing that on twitter at the same time.

And nobody even liked my tweets! Except @r-i , bless her shriveled heart. Anyway here’s my tweets copypasted:

(overthinks this) uhh
MonHun 4U
The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls/Monster World IV
Live A Live
SMT: Nocturne/P3FES

MonHun represents my desire to stay humble and understand those around me. DQV represents my emotional vulnerability.

LAL represents my varied interests and ideas and my desire to cover all of them. Nocturne and P3F both rep my waves of energy/exhaustion.

Lastly, Frog and MW4 both represent my underlying positivity/hope in spite of aforementioned vulnerability and lows.





tim post

To quote a wise old man,

Who the fuck is Tim?

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