i think it’d be pretty funny if we had a repeat of the 90s with an oversaturation of middling beat’em ups that makes everyone reject them, again
only in the fires of beat’em up rejection can something as good as Ninja Warriors Again be born
i think it’d be pretty funny if we had a repeat of the 90s with an oversaturation of middling beat’em ups that makes everyone reject them, again
only in the fires of beat’em up rejection can something as good as Ninja Warriors Again be born
Finally this wave of beat em ups gets its own crap licensed tie in that trades on being vaguely similar to another licensed title. This looks like the Data East’s Captain America to TMNT’s X-Men arcade
Data East knows how to make good games though
I’m going to cry if they don’t keep the item tech where food can be picked up, carried around and thrown as a weapon so you keep food ready with you as long as you toss it at an enemy
yeesh these look super bare bones. if they are actually releasing DDA without a functional 2-player mode, i’ll cackle
you! you did this to me!
why is the character faster than the camera? why can you chain grab in midair?
this is the brain disease that keeps on giving
Double Dragon deserves a whole reboot. Something like Yakuza but Nuke York City. Please
The forum has swallowed the old YT embeds, so here’s a new one for Ninja Baseball Bat Man - wasn’t included in the Irem Arcade Hits PC port and hasn’t shown up on Arcade Archives yet, drat!
Game concept came from Irem America in Redmond, WA according to Ninja Baseball Bat Man - Wikipedia
IIRC, the guy who came up with the concept effectively owns the IP and is still trying to do something
so, in short, Irem doesn’t own the game and can’t license it out and it’s kind of doomed to obscurity (I think the number that was floating around was it sold 42 or 43 boards in America)
Ahh right, I read something to that effect in the Wikipedia article, dang.