fallout 1
fallout new vegas
civilization 4
heroes of might and magic 3
quake 1
neverwinter nights
baldur’s gate 3
team fortress classic
team fortress 2
elden ring
not that many games and most were games I’ve played over and over since childhood
edit: both crusader kings 2 and 3 are just shy of 100 hours because my play style tended towards starting over whenever I got bored instead of finishing any games
Pokemon Silver
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy Tactics
Digimon World 2003
Worms Armageddon
Silent Hill II
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III
Elden Ring
Digimon Digital Card Battle
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Legend of Mana
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
AND Hotline Miami 2 if we add the time I spent playing with friends
Borderlands 2
Cyberpunk 2077
Death Stranding
Halo Infinite (Really? Wow.)
Hitman III (and probably Hitman 1? It’s hard to separate these now)
Fallout 4
Fallout 76
Final Fantasy XIV (by, uh, a lot)
Metal Gear Solid V
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2
SD Gundam G Generation Crossrays
Path of Exile
Payday 2
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (almost entirely Raid mode)
Stardew Valley
Starfield (101 hours, and I’ll never touch it again)
TES: Oblivion
TES: Skyrim
Umineko (chapters 1-8)
Not on steam but, like, I just know:
World of Warcraft
Older games I know are over 100 in total:
City of Heroes
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Escape Velocity
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX (the in game timer changes color when you go over 100 hours)
Final Fantasy X (I rebuilt the entire spheregrid in this game. why.)
GTA: Vice City (My friends didn’t think I 100%ed the game. They didn’t think this was a game that could be 100%ed)
GTA: San Andreas
Gran Turismo 5
Halo 3
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (weirdly on the vita this game’s internal clock keeps running as long as you don’t open a different app, even if the system is off, so my save file thought I had thousands of hours on it)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Pokemon Gen 1
Pokemon Gen 5
Pokemon Gen 6
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Smash Bros Melee
Star Ocean II
Super Robot Wars F/FFinal
Super Robot Wars V
Suikoden II
TES: Morrowind
Warcraft II
There is a strong possibility I have spent over 100 hours in Star Fox 64 and Cruis’n USA.
Now that I think about it, also a strong possibility I have over 100 hours total in Monkey Island II, The Dig, and King’s Quest VI.
all the soulborneringkiros i might have over a thousand between all of them. i have a sekiro file with 200+ that i cleared all endings ln and use to replay boss fights. i clocked 120 on my first elden ring file
morrowind but probably not any other big open world game
super smash bros (64) and melee
ive had pokemon files that went over 100 in at least half of the games ive played
umm dark cloud
and dark chronicle
enter the gungeon has the most hours in my steam library at fucking 479.8 lmao almost 20 days of playing this game
A mix of things. I was really obsessed with it when I was first able to play it and love empty mundane environments in games. It eventually became a case study in my PhD and back then I believed it was more authentic to play the game for reference rather than look up videos or wikis etc. I revisit it occasionally out of habit. Also autism is a hell of a drug.
I was playing a videogame a few months ago entitled Elden Ring, to which my Steam account is saying that I have 259 hrs on record. Excited to go back and complete the Downloadable Content one of these days, no need to rush.
I have not played it in like a year, but the Valve corporation has also informed me that I have 1,758 hrs on record logged in Kunos Simulazioni’s Italian locomotion simulation software Assetto Corsa.
I think both of these numbers do include significant idling and or ‘dev/mod’ time; but what is play, really?
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Phantasy Star Online
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 and 2
Day of Defeat 1.1
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon
Earth Defense Force 3
Earth Defense Force 4
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Destiny 2
Demon’s Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Elden Ring
Star Fox 64
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Mario Kart 64
Metal Gear Solid 2
Persona 4 The Golden
Grand Theft Auto V
I’d say a good half of these were with the same 4 friends over a 7 year period.
I’m surprised that some of the games mentioned can be played that long, but I almost never 100% games or replay them. There is some that I spent a lot of time with, not sure if it was more than 100 hrs.
The ones where it feels like it:
Lufia II (my first JRPG on my first console)
Morrowind (my first open world on my first PC)
Chikyuu Boueigun 2 (finished all difficulties in coop, except the unlockable “Impossible” difficulty)
Dwarf Fortress Brogue Harvest Moon 64 Pokémon Blue StarCraft: Brood War Escape Velocity: Nova Oblivion Morrowind Deus Ex Chrono Trigger SimCity 3000 Xenogears
There may be others I’m not thinking of, I’m being fairly conservative (I don’t have actual recorded times for most of these so I’m just listing the ones I’m quite sure of, although I do know that I played Pokémon Blue for around 230 hours when I was in 2nd/3rd grade). I’ll edit it and add others if I think of any more.
It’s fairly uncommon that I get into a game enough to play it for 100 hours or more…much more commonly when I have a “gaming session” I play like 30 games for 5 minutes each. Of course it does happen though.