10 Games A SButt Could Play

Vampire Savior
Puyo Puyo 2
Mischief Makers
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Tetris The Absolute The Grand Master 2
SaGa Frontier
Mr. Driller
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

oh yeah this one’s good–



how hard is getting a mister right now? like, if I don’t want to kit one out myself. I might kit one out myself too though idk

Illbleed- @HOBO already brought it up and i just want to emphasize this is some of the greatest stuff put into a videogame ever. the touching story about a hellbound grandpa and his graboid adopted child. a better version of toy story. murder mystery. it has a lot. it is janky and weird and you will have to understand how it plays. the tutorial is in an optional side area of the hub before entering the levels so maybe go there before jumping in and being confused.

Clock Tower PS1 - not great like the first one but i adore this

deSpiria - afaik not translated so i feel like i might not ever play it, but goddamn it looks and sounds so sick. creepy looking pre-rendered adventure game/jrpg hybrid or something? battles look incredible. some kinda cyberpunk thing with decomposing androids and some kind of horrible ghost faces attacking you? lovely!

The Quest of Ki - definitely some kind of ideal nes/fami platformer. the way it controls is so satisfying and nuanced and the ways you die from small mistakes and misjudgments feel more funny than frustrating. maybe the chests with warp-backs down the tower in the second run are a bit much but i feel that’s the kinda thing you just deal with or save state around. up to you. also ki is cute

King’s Field (2 JP/1 US) - all the kf games have an incredible mood and slow methodical fighting but this is the most playable one to recommend. comparatively fast run speed, and unlike the other two ps1 games, overlapping multi-layer areas that connect in many ways. it’s actually kinda fun to backtrack. the sequel has a similar linear structural issue to dark souls 3, on top of only having single layer maps which despite bumps and hills makes everything feel flat. in the sequel dropping down a well is death. in this one it’s a possible secret (and probably death).

Brandish 2 (PC98) - haven’t played this much yet cause i’m saving it for after i play the first game through (the psp port anyway) but i really dig these games and their approach to strictly tile-based but still timing-required action rpg-ing. also flipping the perspective in a topdown game is wild. the pc98 versions look and sound better than the super nintendo versions.

Valkyrie Profile - i like how you only get glimpses into the world of the living but can never interact with it. also, even though a lot of the voice acting is weird/bad, lenneth’s battle lines give me chills.

Gain Ground - play gain ground with your friends. arcade version probably if you can? i haven’t tried the ports. slow as fuck. very cool.

Flame Gunner - super impressive 3d shooter with prerendered stages. uses some kinda unique control scheme i haven’t fully figured out but the game working in its own way is part of the fun. sometimes an arena shooter, sometimes more a gallery thing like wild guns. missions have specific objectives sometimes but i can’t read them

Muchi Muchi Pork - just assuming this runs on a mister? probably wrong but this is the best cave shmup. not really cool at all like some of their other games. probably even a bit embarassing. will stand by it being the best tho. i spent so much time practicing taking apart the stage 1 boss years ago and it’s so satisfying to do. garegga is definitely the cooler version of this, but mmp has a much more fun medaling system. also it’s cute


Waiting list for the American sites, I got one on aliexpress but shipping from China is a problem right now so it has been sitting in some warehouse for 2 weeks.

I did notice the store I ordered from has lowered their prices by 30 bucks in the meantime so L O L ? (TheRetroCastle)


first funky fighter (arcade) - its that arcade game where you have a hammer and you hit 9 crocodile faces when they pop up but you have 9 buttons and you hit them when you want to RIP AND TEAR APART SHARKS ON SCREEN

air fortress (nes) - tiny daphny so scared of this game. adult daphny cant get over how big it still feels and AHH THE TIME IS RUNNING OUT MECHANIC IS STILL SO SCARY sorry im a coward

mach breakers (arcade) - offcial sequel to track and field but its mutant olympics where you CATCH MISSLES AND THROW THEM BACK and JUMP KICK THROUGH ICE BLOCKS and DIVE A THOUSAND FEET

pressure cooker (Atari 2600) - atari game where you play as a cook in a HOT HOT burger buisiness. match the burgers to orders and put them in their fucking boxes before you get fired! REJECT INGREDIENTS BY HOLDING DOWN THE BUTTON TO REFLECT THEM OFF YOUR BELLY. I HAVEN’T PLAYED ANY ATARI GAME FOR 1/5TH THE TIME AS PRESSURE COOKER except for yars revenge which I highly recommend you take rudies advice and play but ALSO turn it up as loud as possible and sit ON the speaker

skate or die 2 ramp mode (nes) - hit the select button on the start screen. i will never not recommend this game in a list, its attached to my heart like a tumor but one that i need to pump happiness into my soul

space griffon vf9 (psx) - mecha murder mystery where all your friends die IMMEDIATELY and the draw distance suffocates you. had to use a guide first time but whatever I play jrpgs my muscle memory opens gamefaqs the second I start playing something

cosmic smash (dreamcast) - you’re gonna have a great time playing single player space table tennis


zookeeper (arcade) - another game you need to make sure the volume is as high as possible. very good to play a level of this between other stuff. just like a COMPLETELY OVERWHELMING bonus level

super mario silhouette romhack Romhacking.net - Hacks - Silhouette Mario Bros.
it’s my favorite Mario romhack and it just does what it says on the tin, everything is shadow at sunset


Section Z NES and Arcade both rule.


You’re looking at about five to six hundred bucks and a wait time for a preassembled kit.

There’s a DE-10 Nano shortage right now.


I saw that I could buy one direct a few days ago… but maybe they’re already gone by now :frowning:

seems like if I wanted one quickly I’d probably be better off building my own? probably be cheaper too? or not?

I somehow never heard of Devilish until today when I found out Hitoshi Sakimoto did the soundtrack for a Spooky Arkanoid and it slaps so hard


the devillish zipper is a videogame thing i think about a lot


10 games that inspire me and make me want to make games:

altered beast (mega drive)
tenchu stealth assassins (playstation)
champion kendo (sg1000)
rally bike (arcade)
motorcross maniacs (game boy)
last blade 2 (neo geo)
shinobi karakuri den (ds)
sonic the hedgehog (mega drive)
cyber cross - busou keiji (pc engine)
nekketsu kouha kunio-kun (arcade)


Daphny this is my game!!! Same brain

I guess I’ll recommend Colecovision games since most other systems are well spoken for, first the arcade ports that are fun

Pepper II, a fine pacman style game
Venture, a dungeon shooting game
Turbo, classic racing
Antarctic Adventure, another racing game, I like this version better than the MSX

Ones not arcade are
Pitstop, another racer
Smurfs, a decent breezy platformer
AE, a timed shooter similar to Galaxian but with the gimmick of ships exploding and chain reaction combos to increase score. Really hard, pressing fire launches the rocket and releasing it detonates. Striking an enemy ship before detonating will make the shot a “dud” adding needless difficulty at first.




[Edit: I fixed the link for this one but this is going to be work I gotta do soon]

[Edit Edit: I think I got all of them fixed now??]

Oh crap all these have the OLD link which is gone now


oh god right all the snex links are broken in these posts. gotta fix that someday


I am notoriously bad at choosing to listen to SB podcasts but I will try to remind myself to do so


I have never played Diver’s Dream, but I’m convinced that every diving game is worth my attention. This is because I have played Aquanaut’s Holiday and a few hours of Everblue and I’ve rarely felt more at peace. If you have a hacked Wii U, you should probably play Endless Ocean. I haven’t played that either, but come on! This soundtrack!!


Here’s my personal list of Mister-compatible games:

Aliens vs. Predator: heck yeah, this is a good beat-'em-up. Currently the only legal way to buy this game is by importing that Capcom arcade stick. You know the one.

The Capcom arcade stick.

Daruma Dojo: Sometimes also called Dharma Dojo? I dunno. It’s a puzzle game and it’s pretty fun. Really satisfying thok when you hit those blocks.

Game Boy Advance Video: Shrek: or any of these things, but why not watch a whole damn movie, super compressed for a tiny handheld screen, blown up in a big soupy mess on your TV? Thanks, Mister FPGA.

Power Soukoban: I love all the Soukoban games on all the different systems because they’re almost always the same levels in the same order. This one, isn’t, but you can shoot fireballs and fight enemies as you push those crates. It’s also a 1999 Super Famicom game? 1998? Nuts!

Anything Vectrex: I dunno they seem neat. Good wobble to those lines.

Anything Lynx: They sure try to do some things on these games. Lotta weird pseudo 3D effects.

Street Fighter Alpha on Game Boy Color, Alpha 2 on SNES, and Alpha 3 on GBA: and then play the arcade cores and nod in satisfaction.

Soul Edge: it’s still really good! And I’m gonna call it Soul Edge! And there’s nothing T!m L@ngd3ll can do!

(Censoring his name in case there is something he can do)

Splatterhouse: Trying to learn how to beat this game is a personal obsession of mine, maybe you will do better. Splat that house up. Don’t step in puke. This is what I’ve learned so far.

Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko: Now that a European company owns the Gex license, you just know they’re gonna make a super horny modern Gex game. Never been a better time to catch up.