10,000 Bulletins: No One Can Stop the Presses! (Part 1)

Yeah, I just worry about that given that all three games in that batch that came out like a month ago were apparently REALLY BAD for lag.

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New Ice Water Games game




Suda needed that new jeans money



NMH3 really was the last game.

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love that the “after” swipes still have jerky frame-timing. arguably is a critical element of PS2-era GTA.

edit: oops turns out it’s just my shitty work laptop. still… I can dream

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Please get really excited

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GTA: The Trilogy: ReShade Edition

I actually played San Andreas with a similar shader like a decade ago and I really enjoyed it so this should be quite nice. Will definitely play this on an Xbox.

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yeah i mean they sent me an email that more or less says that they’re using the kickstarter to pay off their debts lmao

i bought the game 1. after first batches shipped 2. before i learned more about the uh…content.

as an experiment in possibilities within the universe, i didn’t ask for a refund, and so i guess i’m maybe getting a game if the kickstarter succeeds. lol, but i doubt it? (i doubt both that it will succeed or that i will receive a game cartridge if it does succeed)

these folks seem like they’d be exhausting to spend time with

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I know I should let this grudge go after 12 years, and who knows how many of the same people even still work there, but this is the studio who made the terrible PS2 port of the Wii Ghostbusters game, so I expect nothing good to come out of this release.


Wait, what was the problem with the content?

I just noticed while watching the trailer again that this will be on the Switch as well. So that’s two places I’ll play it lol. Just going to be playing PS2 GTA for the rest of my life I guess.

I hope they give the PSP GTAs this same treatment.


not a bad way to do it if I am tbh



I think I didn’t get that email because I did multiple podcasts about this topic.

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The funniest part is that this attitude is the mirror image of 1995-2005 UK magazine “3d rules, 2d drools”