Cardboard: The Gathering

Zendikar seems like an amazing setting for adventures, though. I’d also go for Ravnica or Innistrad. I mean fuck Kamigawa was cool too and so was Mirrodin. Honestly if they wanted to sell a supplemental book with a bunch of Magic planes/beasts/equipment (oh fuck, what would Skullclamp even do in D&D)

Hopefully they will make more of these. Though I am not sure if Magic planes are suited for something more than short campaigns. Other than Dominaria, which has a lot of different countries and cultures and a story to draw lore for, the rest of the planes feel more like a single country.

When you think about it, the scale of the planes (or the difference between how big they are supposed to be versus how small they feel) is a silly thing.

I’ve been reading the Killing A Goldfish blog for a couple years; let me preface that link by acknowledging that I don’t agree with all his evaluations; I like a lot of the sets he dismissed, and I don’t really care for some that preferred. That said, I find it helpful to temper my characteristic enthusiasm with a dose of cynicism from time to time, and ol’ Killy here is among the more cynical Magic players I still like to read.

I still keep my Future Sight Tarmogoyf safe and sound. Probably the only time I opened a money card of that price.

And wow, this new story team is not a fan of subtley at all. What better to do after ALL IS WAR ALL FIGHT FOR THE ELDRAZI IN A BATTLE FOR ALL THE STAKES EVER than picking the “I have a bad feeling about it” plane and filling it with Eldrazi. I was holding hope they were going to be more nuanced given that they restrained a bit in Shadow over Innistrad, but damn, here we go again. And let’s make Lilliana the Batman of the gang while we’re at it.

Hope Kaladesh is not another The World Is On The Brink story.

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Well, there were things like Oddisey-Onslaught (two connected stories) and the whole Urza-Gerrard-Invasion thing. I guess Wizards is betting all in the movie they will get out at some point and decided that the Thing To Imitate is the MCU. Just, you know, without the support of Disney huge marketing or characters already stablished by other movies. I don’t see the Magic movie doing any other thing than tanking given precedents from other licenses. Not that I wish it any ill, but they want to make it compete with licenses that completely surpass them in established brand and money.

This is me exactly. I played in high school but could never afford to be competitive, even in our casual games. And I eventually traded all of my cards that were worth anything for Super Nintendo games.

I played a little with a friend in college who inspired me (by beating me every single game) to try building decks that actually worked well rather than just randomly tossing in cards with nice artwork or fun abilities (though artwork always remained a major consideration for me).

A few years later, I discovered that some co-workers used to play. We all dusted off our old cards and started playing at work on our lunch breaks. We all started buying cards again and even got a few others hooked who had never played before. When I was laid off there, that pretty much ended my regular playing.

Whenever I discover that someone I know plays or used to play and still has cards, I pull out my old decks to play a few games.

I never had any interest in tournaments or building decks out of just the latest cards. Although I have not spent any money or adjusted my decks in probably five years now, it probably would not take much to suck me back in, if I had a convenient friend or group to play casually with.

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