Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Is there any meat that full heals you when cooked? I’ve found a ton of hearty mushrooms, hearty radishes, durians, and other flora that full restore when cooked (in addition to giving extra temporary hearts). The animals haven’t been nearly as good.

I feel Shadow of the Colossus also benefits from digital archeology. It features ruins in more than one sense, as several regions were designed to be arenas for cancelled colossi and were not removed (the giant tree and the windy valley, the beach, etc), now existing for their own sake. So you can explore and find interesting places that have no purpose.


No, there isn’t. It’s true that those plants are strictly better. But I’ve been saving them to make feasts that give like +12 temporary hearts, which I’ve been using to fight tier 3 Lynels without getting one-shot. That leaves me with a need for regular heals for attritional battles. The meat plays that role well even if you don’t bother to cook it.


intentional purposelessness is a good way to put it


I haven’t beat the game yet, but https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/189707-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/75098305 says: “Technically there isn’t a post-game, it just reloads you to right before the final boss’s door, with a star on your save file and a completion % added to the map screen to gauge your progress.”

I put off doing this and by the time I went in I was already pretty strong, so I missed out on this experience. I was underwhelmed by the treasure in there – I’m pretty sure they had this fear of giving you anything too good and breaking the game out of early castle runs. The strong weapons you can pick up off the ground in there degrade even faster than normal ones. Seems excessively paranoid given everything except armor is temporary anyway (and naturally there is no armor in the castle).

It’s ridiculous that the royal recipe sidequest gives you all of 100 rupees. Cmon man. Like the weird ingredients alone cost 30 rupees if you bought them. Meanwhile elsewhere on the map there is a random guy who just immediately hands you 500 rupees without needing to do anything. The quest rewards are almost always crap compared to what you’d earn just exploring, they sure screwed up the spreadsheet on that front.

Another missed opportunity: should’ve been a cooking pot lid in the castle dining room. The meme value would be off the charts.

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This is an interesting read.

I’m still really enjoying this game, but this thread is moving to fast for me to respond to it.


Can’t believe it came full circle and Zelda actually took features from Beyond Good and Evil

I think it works well on it’s own but could anybody give a rough translation?

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Wind Waker’s camera was pretty nice, and it felt like a nod to Link’s Awakening DX camera (that could print on the Game Boy Printer!), itself like a callback to Earthbound

Had a terrifying hard game freeze due to some sort of USB issue so now I’m shifting all my game data around to get my Zelda info onto the Wii U itself. Somehow the Wii U is the slowest file moving machine I’ve come across in like a decade, it is remarkable in a way.

Hopefully my game save is fine as if not… that would suck.

I vanquished The Calamity Ganon, but I can’t kill this zebra centaur guy.

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you should be able to redownload any of that stuff fwiw, it’s tied to the console

Ah! A rare bird! Let’s take a photo. [click]
Pff, the lighting was too harsh [not sure I’m translating this properly, might be a pun here], let’s take another…
[whoosh] Not you!


I think I got it sorted out. Nintendo will not let you just transfer the save file by itself because… reasons, and the thing always errored midway through transferring the data to the console, but someone told me to just delete the 2.5gb update/install data so that the only thing left on the usb was the save file. That worked and everything is working fine now. Moral of the story: don’t buy shady USB sticks just because they can also transform into a Ravage knock-off.

In actual game news I finished the first dungeon and it was amazingly small, all things considered. I guess if you toss all the shrines in the amount of dungeon-esque content is similar if spread out more, will have to see how it pans out over the long haul.

i played this game for about 6 hours the other night at the home of some friends. Went from the plateau opening to the gates of Hyrule Castle. Idk how it will hold up as a 20-30 hour single-player scenario or a 90+ hour open world experience, but those 6 hours are plain unimpeachable. So many good decisions, made with confidence and aplomb.

The go-anywhere climbing is unquestionably the best decision. First thing i did when i got to the Temple of Time was look up at the tallest spire and say, “i’m gonna climb up there.” Ten minutes later Link was hanging onto it and gazing out over the landscape and i was hooked.

edit: i also left link in his boxer shorts pretty much the whole time

桃白白ごっこが楽しめるのだ。 pic.twitter.com/ZZiLgXDB5w

— ぱって (@patepote61) March 10, 2017

I’ve actually found that particular technique surprisingly practical when you want to cross deep gorges.

PROTIPS: You swim a bit faster when you’re not wearing any clothes (might also be affected by unequipping weapons?)
Simply wielding a fire-enchanted weapon will keep you warm in the cold.
Cooking as the Blood Moon is about to rise fully actually seems to increase the chance of you “critting” when cooking.


I don’t have a clue how they got character physics to be that stable on an object like that, that’s not something that comes cheap

truly a wonder

and with such a weak CPU!

hey so right now this can run at about 1/2 speed for me in Cemu, I don’t think that’s too far off of playable

Cemu needs 12GB of memory in order to compile the shader cache for this game which is the first time I am aware of using all of the memory in this machine at once after close to four years

right now it’s really difficult to get it to get it to not throttle down to 15FPS due to the implementation of VSync, but given that a few other physics things are still broken, it’s definitely one release out from really being playable. possibly not more than one release, though! and it can render in 1440p/4k right now.