Youtube videos of animals

Look at this fox:

Just look at him, being all cute and foxy and stuff. I did not know that foxes made yowling noises like cats when they’re really happy and playful. They look like dogs but sound like cats! They also have quick cat-like reflexes. Are foxes what happen when you cross dogs with cats?

Foxes are cool.

Also check out this video I found on how to make friends with wild ravens:

That’s the shit! I never knew I wanted to make friends with an old raven couple at some point in my life until I watched this video, and now I know how.

Look at this grizzly bear cub and wolf cub play:

Animals rule.

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foxes are the cats of dogs, ive been telling people this for years

the other day i got rly obsessed w/ Fox Village in Japan

as well as Cat Island

and Bunny Island


There’s foxes that live in our backyard. They are they only thing that has made renting in the suburbs bearable.

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nice try

Can’t find this on Yourtub

kind of beautiful sentiment there

I went on a pug binge just now. I needed it.

I know the breeding of these critters amounts to a foul indifference to dawg respiratory health but I wuv them

Really all pedigree breeding is a bit sus

Mutts forever

Get your dogs free from the free dog place (they used to call these pounds, but now I guess they call them ANIMAL RESCUE SHELTERS or something like it’s fucking Hurricane Katrina)

Yeah all of our dogs since my childhood have come from pounds, shelters, a crab cage from the trunk of some guys car who was giving puppies away in a wal mart parking lot. All great dogs.

Not a video but fuck it


This old guy’s been feeding the raccoons outside his house since 1999 and filming it. It’s the best kinda vlog:

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Some real fine internet here.

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ugh good lord do i love these hilarious murderers

:45 to 1:21 is INCREDIBLE