Just look at him, being all cute and foxy and stuff. I did not know that foxes made yowling noises like cats when they’re really happy and playful. They look like dogs but sound like cats! They also have quick cat-like reflexes. Are foxes what happen when you cross dogs with cats?
Foxes are cool.
Also check out this video I found on how to make friends with wild ravens:
That’s the shit! I never knew I wanted to make friends with an old raven couple at some point in my life until I watched this video, and now I know how.
Get your dogs free from the free dog place (they used to call these pounds, but now I guess they call them ANIMAL RESCUE SHELTERS or something like it’s fucking Hurricane Katrina)
Yeah all of our dogs since my childhood have come from pounds, shelters, a crab cage from the trunk of some guys car who was giving puppies away in a wal mart parking lot. All great dogs.