YouTube Channels (Non-Game)

this guyā€™s youtube is not bad. he doesnā€™t cover films that are super niche or anything, but i feel like the videos are reasonably well researched and narrated and a pleasant watch overall even if it isnā€™t breaking a ton of ground exactly:

a friend is a big fan of this channel, though iā€™m a little more mixed because i think while the observations are good, the narration is a bit stiffly done and dense in an academicky way. i think itā€™s mostly well done for what it is, though, and the editing in particular is easily of a higher quality than youā€™d expect from a channel like this. perhaps iā€™ll warm up to it a little more in the future. there are some game-related videos here but itā€™s mostly film and tv

This tuber seems to be about Fire + Swords. My LARP dream come true.


Have discovered the horrors of All Gas No Brakes. Itā€™s mostly gonzo-style interviews with various outsider groups, conspiracy theorists or public protests with a lot of Vic Berger-esque editing. It usually highlights the weirdness of the situation or group but the editing picks up on the inherent awkwardness of the chance meetings with the interviewer. Itā€™s a mix of depression/fascination with the abject


I love All Gas No Breaks. Andrew is great at getting people to expose how weird they are. This is my favorite one

And Iā€™m not sure if this has been posted, I couldnā€™t tell, but Steve1989MRE is great fun. He is a very friendly man who likes anything you might find in a Salvation Army and his channel is about ordering old MRE meals from as late as the Civil War and eating them. Itā€™s a little gross (not graphic or very gastral) and also fascinating cause you get to see what meals got better over time and whatā€™s stayed the same. My favorite thing is picking up on all his mannerisms as he reacts to stinky old mac and cheese. He loves old cigarettes.


Subversive tree planting in the city when the council failed to maintain their various beautification projects.

Iā€™ll let the description of the channel speak for itself, heā€™s a joy to listen to:


gospel musicians are like actual fucking wizards

the last one is great because it so straightforwardly shows the massive gap between CCM and gospel complexity


This isnā€™t a gap, this is likeā€¦ the Marianas to Everest

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This thread constantly pings me, because I made it, and it just happens that today a politics YouTuber I really respect died unexpectedly at the age of 37.

Iā€™m feeling better as the day goes on, but itā€™s hit me way harder than any other celebrity death. Since Iā€™m here, I figured Iā€™d crosspost my feeling from my Facebook:

Iā€™m not usually very affected by celebrity deaths. I canā€™t think of a celebrity I care about who died in the prime of their lifeā€“itā€™s always been after all their greatest works are behind them.

Michael Brooks died before even truly reaching his prime. He deserved more, and he was getting it, one hustle at a time. Until now.

Iā€™m aware that nobody reading this has probably ever heard of Michael Brooks, but Iā€™m writing this as free flash therapy. Iā€™m mourning Michael, because this is a loss I really, viscerally feel. Itā€™s not simply that I watched Michael almost every day; itā€™s not just that he opened my eyes, mind, and heart to the human struggles around the world; itā€™s that I canā€™t imagine how anyone could ever replace his voice. How many pundits do you know who diligently cover, week to week with dedication, passion, and humor the actual minutiae of Latin American and African politics from a global left perspective?

Now there are none.

As pro-democracy protests are developing here in Thailand with real potential for government violence, I tooke some solace in the fact that Michael might cover it, because his is the largest American platform I can imagine actually caring if people here die.

Iā€™ll leave you with this clip: a very sincere response on the morality of Israeli apartheid that cuts through any obfuscation with off the cuff citations, moral cogency, respect, and kindness. That was Michael.


This is a great recommendation, I wasnā€™t familiar with Brooksā€™ work. He seems very level-headed and has a great way of breaking down the issues. Itā€™s very hard (in the West) to find good coverage of political happenings in nations outside of the Western bubble. Thereā€™s a magazine I subscribe to that occasionally provides good foreign correspondence on lesser known issues from cogent writers around the world (usually rotating specific nations in East Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific) but even then itā€™s limited to a page at most.

Hurrah for people who might bring these issues to broader prominence but very sad to hear about the loss of a good commentator.


thank you @BIGHEADMODE, iā€™ve been sobbing literally just now thinking about Michael. this death has hit me harder than any i can recall for a long time


I had leaned on Democracy Now to try getting a grip on left-oriented global politics but yeah. Iā€™m not sure the void left by his absence can be filled with the media we have now. Watched him debating Sargon of Akkad and itā€™s amazing how well he schooled him while treating him charitably at the same time. Majority Report is doing tributes to him and itā€™s tough to watch them try to keep it together.

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Yesterday, the Majority Report did what basically amounted to a 4-hour digital wake for Michael. While it would probably be painful for some, I found it very therapeutic. There are some really beautiful insights into Michaelā€™s personality, his legacy, and how to deal, as well as funny rememberancesā€“all that good stuff. If you hear a call from Bangkok in the last half hour thatā€™s me.

Particularly helpful for me was a Zoom call in the last hour from an activist who said that he and Michael had had a long conversation about death as a transition and that Michael did not consider death something to be feared. In the first half hour his sister also shared some details of the meditation he was doing as he passed. For those who donā€™t know him, Michael didnā€™t talk a lot about his spiritual side (you donā€™t have to worry about hearing a lot of woo), but it was a big part of his personal life and informed his political beliefs that all people were deserving of life and dignity.

Anyway, his sister also shared his cause of death: a sudden blood clot in his neck that was discovered too late, but apparently not so quickly that he couldnā€™t contact loved ones to say goodbye.

Plans for continuing his legacy from The Michael Brooks Show crew:


Found this channel which is nothing but one guyā€™s organ practice and wrestling game streams.

The organ stuff was the main draw for me but the wrestling streams caught me off guard.

so it has come to this

i miss places that arenā€™t the inside of my house so much but i donā€™t wanna die

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Iā€™ve ā€˜watchedā€™ this exact vid.

I have a question: where do the thumbnails come from?

  • Are they custom commissioned from scratch?
    • To a cottage industry of makers?
    • what does that email exchange look like?
  • Just stolen/reappropriated?
    • but then who is just making pictures like this?
  • Maybe itā€™s just a screencap from a hidden-object game?

  • Favorite items:
    • glow in the dark knockoff Fjallraven backpack
    • turbo-powered Latte Larryā€™s Ember mugs
      • look at their powerful steam vortexs
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for a while now iā€™ve checked into this channel. she mostly does conversations about fan culture, disney properties and theme parks. every now and then she makes readings of famous fanfics and bad novels.

her videos are really funny and interesting, even if you donā€™t care about / dislike the topics themselves. she seems mindful to avoid inflammatory language when talking about certain things that usually only get talked through cheap clickbait-y stuff.

one of the most recent ones are is a long retrospective of brony culture and, specifically, the big gatherings that happened around that fandom.


Jenny is just great

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wowee zowee


Restored, up scaled versions of super old video is a sublime genre.

This channel has some of my favorites.