Your song of the moment (Part 1)


slightly cringe but well-intentioned “white ally” song

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listening to music on youtube, i listened to the first track of a compilation of forgotten grunge songs and thought “this is pretty good, there’s probably a lot of good grunge i’ve been neglecting.” apparently not!!! the rest was so awful that it actually made me more sympathetic to all the different reactions to this kind of music, except for britpop. there were a bunch of tracks by a band called Thrillhammer that my brain just kept converting into THRILLHO.

got stuck in a monkees hole where the only other recommended videos were more monkees songs with 2 views apiece and algorithmically generated sounding titles. favourite was “Pillow Time” (the title, not the song)


@meauxdal somehow this seems like a song for you

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