Gran Turismo 3
Metal Gear Solid 2
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 4
Silent Hill 2
GTA: Vice City
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
shadow hearts 2
bauldrs gate dark alliance 2
red star
we love katamari
la pucelle tactics
steambot chronicles
xenosaga 1
drakengard 2
gitaroo man
ace combat 0
wrc: rally evolved
xenosaga episode i - der wille zur macht
shadow tower abyss
demon chaos
wwf smackdown just bring it/here comes the pain - I can never remember which one of these is better but they’re both great
shadow hearts
the sopranos: road to respect
two of these games are PAL only because i belong on polish clay
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution
Taito Memories II: First Volume
Taito Memories II: Last Volume
Katamari damn nasty
King field: old town
Klonoa 2: looney tunes
Dairy Queen 8
Ico ico
Silhouette of the Big Man
Dragon breath: fire quarter
Dark Chronicle
Me and the Devil King
special mention: bumpy trot
special thanks: Disney vs Squaresoft
special confession: still havent played god hand even though i know i’ll like it
Ape Escape 3
Berserk Millenium Empire Arc: Chapter of the Holy Demon War
Gregory Horror Show
Ka 2: Let’s Go Hawaii
Maximo vs. Army of Zin
Poinie’s Poin
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure
WinBack 2: Project Poseidon
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
I could easily fill 3 slots with 2-4 and in a top 100 PS2 games would throw in Shattered Memories.
Been having the same thought honestly…i did not like Jak 2…but maybe I did…
smt3, of course
espgaluda (how is this still the only port?!)
god hand
way of the samurai
katamari damacy
reminds me i still need to finish shadow tower abyss and play shadow hearts + drakengard
miss my binder full of dvd-rs with any and every game that would show up on usenet at the time
I haven’t actually played a PS2 game for several years now because of my photosensitivity and lack of an emulator with features that would help (as far as I know), and of course the peak of my interaction with it was in the early 2000s as I’m sure is true for most people. So, it’s hard for me to say if this list would really reflect my current feelings if I had been playing PS2 games up to the present. Some of these games I really miss though and can’t imagine I wouldn’t still really enjoy.
Internet Othello
Ford vs. Chevy
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! King Camel
Gaelic Games: Hurling
Super Farm
Tokyo Bus Annai 2
Salt Lake 2002
Toudai Shogi - Shikenbisha Dojo
SingStar Svenska Hits Schlager
Everblue 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
GTA: Vice City
Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero
Final Fantasy X-2
Samurai Western
Katamari Damacy
Gungrave Overdose
Ace Combat 4
Ace Combat Zero
Armored Core: Last Raven
Gran Turismo 4
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix
There’s 5 more, I just can’t remember them at this time, lol.
Devil may Cry 3 is probably one of them. I only had the original U.S. release, never played the re-release of it, and man it sure was hard.
MGS3 (original)
Shadow of the Colossus
Spartan Total Warrior
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Champions of Norrath
Contra Shattered Soldier
Ape Escape 3
Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 (a new entry!!!)
Dragon Quest VIII
Final Fantasy XII
Metal Gear Solid 3
Raw Danger
San Andreas
Steambot Chronicles
We Love Katamari
I love killer7 but the ps2 version of it is so slow loading and ugly compared to the gamecube. I admire the spirit of it being on so many lists tho
steambot chronicles
god hand
taito legends 2
global defence force
r type final
super dragon ball z
bloody roar 4
king of fighters 2000
simple 2000 series vol 112 the tousou highway 2 ~road warrior 2050~
demon chaos
- Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
- Beyond Good and Evil
- Growlanser: Generations
- Katamari Damacy
- Rez
- R-Type Final
- Shadow of Destiny
- Silent Hill 4
- Steambot Chronicles
My expanded (but still incomplete) list with some commentary can be found here:
since that OpenGOAL PC port is in open beta now i’m hoping there’ll be a patch that lets you access the level select from the start and skip all the city parts
Partly because I’m not a big ps2-head, and also bc I got really sick of the bit I was doing I’ll opt to list 5 games (that were, at least on release, exclusive to the console).
in alphabetical order:
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, (or: how to make the most ground-breaking RPG of your generation and have everyone hate you.)
Chulip, (or: please decide whether you want to follow a guide or have the most meandering, relaxing summer imaginable.)
Fantavision, (or: why you should always keep the Soichi Terada soundtrack when localizing your game for the West.)
Final Fantasy X, (or: why did they make a post-modernist monomyth deconstruction epic with numbers and polygons?.)
Gitaroo Man, (or: how you too can stretch the simplest control scheme to its logical difficulty ceiling without adding new mechanics.)
Yakuza, (or: what if Shenmue was directed by someone who played videogames?)
Sorry Yu Suzuki </3
edit: cannot count - that’s 6. pls send a deathsquad to my address.
I could make another top 10 list with no games from my first one. So many bangers.
We could play a game where people take turns making a top ten with the stipulation that no one can use what’s already been posted…and every list would have something special.