
Yeah, kinda said I had to clean code… but… erm… kept coding small fixes and features… just going along. Anyways, let me fill a cup with favaios.
So I re-enabled the nodes movement, and with the links moving along with them, re-positioning, updating, and all that.

But I’m starting to get really confused and I’ll need to realize what I want with this part of the editor. I need to list the features I’ll be implementing next, or I’ll lose myself between my intention and the intensity of the code.

The idea for this “script editor” came a long time away back when I was studying with Max/MSP.
Max/MSP, now called just Max, is a… erm… “Max is a visual programming language for music and multimedia developed and maintained by San Francisco-based software company Cycling '74.” (wikipedia).
You put boxes, you connect boxes to other boxes… and does stuff. I did a very faithful NES synth for it one, for a class. This language is primarily used to create digital musical instruments and on the go video editing programs.

The base code of the tool is C, and I did went just a tiny bit into programming C for that.
But my plan was to get that “type” of language to program a video game. That’s where I did very creative and imaginative (noob) reverse engineering and did the system for my engine that basically does a stream of game orders during one frame or various frames. These game orders could be theoretically be anything that defines the rules that creates a game.

So the final idea would be to allow people to define the values of these game orders, and how they connect and sequence one after each. Eventually allow people to program their own order in what could potentially be a very simplified form of C (not too sure about these part… but I should do it).

Right now I have a pretty good deal of stuff done, so what do I need now?


  • Ability to select links between nodes.
  • Clean code.
  • Move the aligned links to adjust where they look better (or less messy).
  • Adjust canvas size if the user moves boxes outside the visible area.
  • Get some way to have the exact same data saved on the object as it did on the C project.
  • Do a pretty solid save of the script data.
  • Discover a smart way to insert new Actions and Events.
  • Implement that smart way to insert new Actions and Events.
  • Deletions, copy, duplicate… whatever.
  • Finally work on the specific layouts for very specific game orders (like a dialogue pop-up… you have write text, say where it shows up, colored fonts, how much time it takes to show up, and eventually option for portrait or not… and that’s just Dialogue).

Yeah… still quite a bit just for the scripting section of this editor.
I guess it’s time to work on it.