Wordle Ritual Thread (Part 1)

I do penis


Nice, penis is the best first try

Wordle 200 6/6


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Yeah this is fun but literally my second time playing I went “wait, wouldn’t the optimal strategy be to simply use like “stare” or some other random word with all “good” letters the first time every time?” which feels like a limitation?

Of course I’ve seen way too much Wheel of Fortune in my life as it follows Jeopardy so it is possible my mind has been tainted by years of that.

That certainly seems like a way to narrow things down more quickly but I feel like it’s not foolproof

Oh nothing is foolproof but in terms of playing the averages certain letters are just gonna pop up more frequently than others, like if “quizy” was a word that’s more often than gonna be less useful to start with than like… laser.

Of course this isn’t for prize money and is just for fun so just go with whatever makes it the most fun for you, I’ve got the curse of a “let’s optimize!” brain is all.

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Briefly considered making a spreadsheet using every five letter english word for this reason. I might still.


Surely something along those lines must already exist online, right?

And now this is a speedrunning thread


Wordle 200 6/6


Wordle 200 6/6


I deadass just run into trouble because I guess things that are too esoteric

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Yeah, I was using aunts as my first word until I noticed Atone

If Atone comes up blank, I think the next best word is Shrug, as it covers 4 of the 7 letters in ishrdlu

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Wordle 200 4/6


Wordle 200 2/6


Surprised myself with this one


serves as a handy two-word message to CERTAIN members of this fine forum too


Wordle 200 3/6



Wordle 200 X/6


First fail. Tired brain today

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Wordle 200 4/6


cute one

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Wordle 200 2/6



i’ve been trying to work out people’s starting words and i thought yours was something ruder


whoops it’s 6 AM and I did this. I have discovered that, at the very least, the most common 5 letters in 5 letter words specifically are:

A, E, S, O, R

…meaning that AROSE is the statistically best word according to this. This is assuming that Wordle is using the same dictionary I am (unlikely). My best guess at an inaccuracy would be an overrepresentation of S, since the dictionary contains plurals and Wordle might not. If I eliminate every S at the end of a word (which is a huge shotgun effect but gives us an idea of what the list looks like without plurals), S moves down to 9th place. That means the new top 5 is

A, E, O, R, I

There is no 5 letter word to make from that. The next best would be L instead of I, but that’s also not a word, so the next next best is ORATE

My next step is to use this as a pseudo-solver by updating those percentages based on what letters you’ve input, but I gotta think about how to write that query.

I love to ruin things