Who wondered 'hey its God Hand'

I can’t believe I went from vaguely disgusted by this game’s existence to buying it thanks to a combination of this thread and a looming uneventful Friday night, but I guess that’s the hand I’ve been dealt.


Yeah… the thought crossed my mind when I played it at my friend’s place but became crystal clear when I saw the movie a couple of days ago.

this is cool

good to see this guy getting work. jes kinda semi popular because of these

but uh these are good too



If Freya is in this WHERE ARE THE CATS

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game plqys loosely with norse mythology in this like always, the aesir and vanir are all depicted as corrupt children drunk on power

Well it’s sholey one of the prettiest

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I am pretty. And don’t call me sholey!

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yeah the game is gorgeous. its relatively relaxing to go back to earlier areas and just walk through.

Finished the main quest last night. Can confirm the ending is just as good as the beginning. The game is a great big grand adventure and there are still areas I have yet to discover and explore so that’s pretty nice.

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man this game legitimately gets me to crack up something fierce sometimes. i like the dynamic of the head on the hip and kratos and Son

Yeah, Corey Barlog mentions that in this interview (giant spoilers abound):

about how they ended up using Mimir as a way to add levity to the game regularly because they knew things couldn’t be 100% serious the entire time.

He also gives props to Hellblade for doing the single cut camera first.

Anyway, I am exploring the post game and having a nice time of it. I am going back to earlier areas and in one of them I just found a talisman that briefly slows time after a last-second dodge giving you a chance to get in some counters (basically witch time from Bayonetta) and holy hell is that cool. I could have found this a whole lot earlier but didn’t, which is fine because I didn’t really need it, but it’s nice to know where it is now so I can grab it first thing when I come back to replay on the harder difficulties. Suddenly Give Me God of War becomes a lot more doable.

the window for activation is very tight and the length of the slowdown probably isn’t as long as you’d like even after upgrading it, especially considering how resistant most enemies are to most of your options on gmgow and that you’ll have to stop short before the slowdown ends so you don’t get one-shot by whatever happens immediately after. I kept it for a long time just because it’s so satisfying when you do get it and the concept pushes my buttons, but it’s not reliable enough to be a huge difference maker. there’s another version that has a smaller area of effect that you can activate at will, though you have to deal with cooldown there between uses. tradeoffs either way.

I picked gmgow from the outset and am probably 85% through and cruising now (being meticulous when I’m not just dying forever), but it was extremely discouraging around the early stages past the beginning when they start introducing heavier enemy types. once you get a couple phases into the lake and can start doing sidequests to up your arsenal it smooths out a lot. honestly arrows (especially later) are the #1 lifesaver more than absolutely anything. you will still die 9999 times tho. then again I tend to play stubbornly aggressive unless absolutely forced not to.

anyway this game is way better than it had any business being and yall should probably get over being performatively skeptical because of the series’ history (I loathed them too). here’s the part where I say that but don’t bother posting substantively anyway



“why should anyone bother taking lessons from naughty dog when their games exist already just play those ones and nobody else even try” and “you know how come nobody ever thought to affix wacky over the top antics to a beat em up” are both such baffling sentiments

They make perfect sense to me.

but the latter is the thing all of these games already do. it’s weird and sort of self-defeating to say “why didn’t they just” about what’s the default approach to character action games.

I would maybe agree with you more though if gow hadn’t actually mostly pulled off what it was going for.

Well it’s uncharitable to characterize what I said as “why has nobody ever”, that’s not what I said, I said they should have done silly (like many other games) because I am not in the mood for the God of War people to try to teach me some The Road shit.

It’s also patently not the approach of God of War games in particular, which have obviously always been goofy in a certain very broad sense of the term but have more specifically been utterly grimdark sophomoric American Badass toxic masculinity spectacles. Goofy in the sense of stupid, but utterly without levity.

It’s also worth pointing out that I actually have no interest in engaging with most 3d character-action combat systems, I’m not good at them and don’t like them, so no one should care about my opinion here anyway. When I do play these games, it is always for the trappings and never for the mechanics, which renders my skepticism about the trappings skepticism for the whole thing, cause for me they are the whole thing.


I went for the notch below GMGOW and had mostly scattered deaths until the gangs of fly dark elves.

In that one drop down to a long hall, I couldn’t gauge how many were supposed to spawn, as it kept changing anywhere from 3-5. Unless there’s some scaling system for killing quickly (which I’m not sure’d be a good idea), it felt annoyingly glitchy.

Yeah I still can’t believe how quality this whole thing is, that I’d trumpet Neo God of War in 2018.

The Road, but it is the like sixth book in a series that started with angry mad dad being super mad because he once got super mad and killed his wife and daughter. It’s really funny that they tried to go dadcore with a guy whose whole original plot revolved around having killed his own family. I mean, that was a daughter though and this is a son and yep toxic masculinity.

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I think that hall is where you first come across a summoner so he might’ve just been calling in extra elves.