we have kept our appointment (kentucky route zero)


act v is beautiful

Having just finished it (I think) I’m a bit underwhelmed, truth to be told.

EDIT: Basically I expected them to attempt to get Conway back some way or other, the IOU seemed to hint at that, also to bring a bit of closure to Weaver’s story, but in the end that isn’t what they were going for I guess

I did like the whole thing though, I played acts 1-4 a couple weeks ago and the interludes and act V tonight, but I feel the whole thing doesn’t quite live up to the expectations set by acts 1 to 3. Lots of interesting things to pick from it for designers though, and I love the general aesthetics.

Just started Act I on Switch. I was initially concerned that I’d find the small text to be illegible, but I was relieved to find an option for “mammoth” text size.


Yes, mammoth size.

I had to catch up before Act V dropped, so I started with Act IV because I thought that’s where I left off. Realized I didn’t play Act III, oops. Tbh, I never know what to expect with KR0 that it wasn’t weird at all to notice all the changes and new characters and the new topics they were talking about in Act IV without seeing them introduced in Act III. I just went along, down the river. It was so easy.

I think I have access to this through Twitch Prime but is that only going to be for like, the first act?

They’ve never done split licenses for each act and TV Edition is the “complete” edition.

this was good. I had no idea what the scope of act V was going to be and what we got was perfect

yeah, i really love how it wraps up.
especially after life is strange 2, which i think stumbled towards the end from trying some similar things.

Boy I didn’t like playing as a cat. Being a cat 2.5 out of 5.

Lovely otherwise though.

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Oh this is one of the most interesting things I’ve played in ages. I’m worried that I can’t seem to access act V through my free copy of the game. Not that I’m unwilling or unable to pay but I will be bummed if I have to go through everything all over again to get to Act V

Edit: oh holy shit I didn’t realize cilcking on the numerals and the titles brought you to different parts of the game, I’m very dense.


I liked the first three acts but felt the rest of this game was just too inconseqential to be interesting (though I’m sure there are people who find that to be the most compelling part of the game). Like the visuals were cool, but oh my god I just started slamming the mouse button when the game expected me to read yet another complete stranger’s life story or like about their VHS collection or whatever the fuck… At least now I have a game to point to when nobody asks me what the Finnegan’s Wake of video gaming is.


it’d be nice to be at the beginning of something for a change


After thinking about it for a few hours and playing the final side-bit I’m knocking that 2.5 down to a 1.0 cuz I am really not down with how they changed the flow of the text post-act IV.

I would write lots of words about this but it would drive me to replay the entire game and take notes and record videos and show the different ways they handled the text throughout and I’m too tired for that shit. I just know I hated every single time I clicked to advance and it didn’t register cuz the text window had changed size. Thank you.

The Finnegan’s Wake of gaming is LSD

emulates dreams, bucks conventions, nobody ever gets to the end

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(Impressions from Acts 1+2+first two interludes)

I’m definitely going to try and remember to write a few words about the first two acts tomorrow. Something about this game feels extremely ‘enthusiastic student project’ to me, which isn’t the end of the world.

I think the absolutely phenomenal presentation is really clashing with the completely adequate writing that never quite seems to live up to the visuals for me?

I just have this feeling that every part of the plot I have found intriguing so far is going to have little to no further development and Ultimately go no where? It’s hard to shake.


On her way to bed my wife looked at my laptop over my shoulder and asked “Are you looking at something creepy?”

5 Stars


What act/location were you at though?

The mineshaft part from Act 1

It is pretty spooky. I hope you tried moving around with the light off.

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