thinking of this 2006-era meme:
Why do you they call it the Xbox 360?
Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away.
thinking of this 2006-era meme:
Why do you they call it the Xbox 360?
Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away.
That’s make me thinking.
I always think ‘finish’ a game or something like that is an influence by the Prussia style education (almost means all the educations in the world now). So that’s why SONY and Microsoft likes to use a trophy system and school always wanna introduces ‘trophy’ like a part of their system.
It trains you have to finish a set of progress, make a visible goal to equal value, you will became a player like a soldier.
In fact, video game could be without level and chapter, and some of them only a few nice level worth playing, level-12 just means harder and nothing more, but if have a ‘platinum’ goal, that’s suddenly sound worth.
Nothing worse than exhausted.
We never force ourselves drunk up all the tea. We like to say Ichi-go ichi-e.
Maybe that’s one reason that I let my hobby more from video game move to wargame. Last round with your friend is not the end on the board, it extends to everywhere in history and your life.
playing so much mr driller drill land that when i read a page of text my eye skims it for gaps or trailing edges where i’d be safe from falling blocks
God bless the ring? No, no, no. God damn the ring!
oh my god this rules so hard
thinking about all of the scaling and camera shenanigans re: various ports of darius to 4:3/16:9 screens
The king of fighters 97 has a social relations system, it’s about POW points transfer and Back-Up Attack.
I mean, I noticed there were some angry face or happy face on the character, but I never figured it out what is it.
That’s make me think how much games I never understand, just play like an outsider
KOF 97 is my favorite KOF game. I used to have a boxed AES cart for it.
I did not know about this.
if I recall right, it mostly affects how likely a background fighter will assist you to escape a mash grab
via SNK wiki
oh wow, didn’t know about the meter change
One of my favorite subtle jokes in a videogame: how in Universal Paperclips, as an advanced AI supercomputer, you get less trust and rewards from humanity from curing cancer, solving climate change, and achieving world peace than from curing male pattern baldness
Harsh but fair
Anybody else think about that thing Microsoft does lately where they totally disarm memes? I’m talking about the Xbox Series X Fridge and Craig from Halo Infinite. Basically taking these memes that are used in Twitter flamewars and making them so diluted with Brand and uncool that nobody uses them anymore. I mean, it’s uhhh kind of genius? Imagine if instead of saying at the start of last gen that calling it the Xbone was “disrespectful” they posted a pic of a dog holding a bone with an Xbox ribbon attached to it or something. Nobody would have used the term Xbone again!!
Even as someone who hates winter, snow, and being cold in general - whatever the heck the guys outside were doing looks fun and contrasting it with playing a boring looking game on a boring looking game system in a sterile looking room sure is a choice.
I would much rather build a fort with a buddy and then chainsaw a tree into it instead of play the new Xbox.
i hate that he’s shilling but i mean what else is tiktok fame for really