videogame things you think about a lot lot lot

the copy protection for EV: Nova on Mac is so onerous and complicated, it still hasn’t been (100%) cracked - though impressive RE work has been done on the matter

there are numerous registration codes and attendant info on the internet, but each registration set is also tied to a specific day (when that code was initially activated), so you have to set the clock on your Mac back to some 2001 date or whenever the person who bought the code you’re using activated it, turn off networking (to prevent the Ambrosia registration software from phoning home… which, i don’t even know what it’d be phoning home to at this point, since Ambrosia is kaput, but i digress…), and then you also have to lock the (insivible, natch) preferences file the registration stashes away in your System Folder because if you try to load the game again after a reboot, it does some kind of additional date check and will actually unregister the game somehow.

andrew welch actually released a crack tool for his former company a few years ago, but it seems to only run on Intel Mac OS X, which i’m not currently able to access whatsoever so I haven’t gotten to test it yet, but i don’t think it’d do anything more that generate new keys… actually now i’m looking for it on Macintosh Garden and having a real bear of a time finding the crack tool. fudge.