idk if there’s a thread for this yet, I’m sure one of you idiots named it something inscrutable and dumped it in the axe. if not, here we are. post your discoveries and what not. so far I’ve played for 20 minutes and my main take away is that velgress is wonderful, a perfect game for this kind of collection. it’s basically upwell, only I didn’t even really like downwell and I like this, so maybe not!
I’m probably not playing this until it’s on console so if someone could post about the GTA-like I caught a glimpse of for half a second in the trailer I’d appreciate you.
I’m glad you created this thread so I wouldn’t have to. (Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who creates threads about individual games outside Forum Axe. But then this isn’t a thread about an individual game, is it?)
The first title I randomly tried was Warptank. It vaguely resembles Blaster Master visually and VVVVVV mechanically, but it’s more puzzle than action. It’s simple but it’s a full-fledged game with multiple levels and everything (not yet sure how many). There’s even an attract mode if you leave it on the title screen.
A high school friend ordered Action 52 when it was pretty new and we had fun going through the various games. Half them them were barely games but it was still a fun concept.
Edit: Allow me to take back what I said about Warptank being simple and about it not being an action game. It gets somewhat intense a little way in.
I spent 20 minutes just whacking that diamond in Pilot Quest…
I played a Gradius-style game called Caramel Caramel that has no powerups and no option to continue. There are some alternate weapons that I find a little confusing but that make the game intriguing. I reached an egg boss but succumbed to it. (Everything in the game is food.)
I played a few games whose names I can’t recall
-magical snake game: very cute snake clone. The scoring rules were kinda hard to parse but eventually got it enough to scoreboard it
-ufo racing game: pretty intense! I want more non-car racing games.
-house party: spent a lot of time on this, neat. Unsure if I wanna learn strats for this on my own
-dinosaur tower defense: spent a lot of time on this, I feel like it was kinda wasted
-dungeon crawl punch out: the game I wanted to get into but didn’t really put a lot of time in it! I wonder if I’d get into it if I could focus… real good looking
Lots of the games are exceedingly simple. I am glad to have the ability to play 50 games. I am also kinda overwhelmed.
I really like Barbuta, the earliest game in the collection’s chronology. A search action only a mother could love. It’s so hostile! I’m having great fun uncovering its secrets. Little bit of MSX-LaMulana DNA in there.
I think you might be referring to Onion Delivery. I played it for a bit, it’s not really a GTA clone based upon the little I’ve played so far. It has the aesthetic but is more of a Crazy Taxi-like time attack thing. It’s got vibes though and some really nice music that plays before you begin the first stage.
Mooncat has great atmosphere but it’s stressful to play (by design, you’ll see). Vaguely reminiscent of Eversion, or at least a similar feeling of something being a little off.
Every one of these games so far is tough.
I found it so compelling, it’s fucked it up
Going to need some UFO 50: RANKED lists to get an idea of what to play first.
I feel like the control mechanism you use to play this is going to affect the value a lot.
I think an arcade stick would be great for the arcade-y games, but it would be best if it only had 2 buttons.
Would a clicky SNK controller work?
XBox style controllers are fine (I’m playing with an 8bitdo Ultimate), but… I feel like maybe ZX+Arrows on the keyboard would be better?
Maybe I finally get a hitbox?
I started out on a regular xbox one pad, but then switched to the 8bitdo SN30 pro+, which has an excellent SNES style d-pad. I think a good d-pad is crucial for these. It made all the difference for me.
Magic Garden is so cute! A rare thing, an arcade game I want to hang out in.
the aforementioned warptank has been really fun, but the controls can be a little finicky when you’re zooming in circles around something, I think. especially if you’re on the steam deck, which has the worst dpad ever made
caramel caramel is pretty weird in that your secondary weapon is a camera? and using it freezes some enemies in place, and interacts with some background elements. you appear to get a lot more points for killing stuff in the camera shot. you start with no lives and only gain extras through score, but even then dying will take you to the beginning of a level so it’s pretty brutal. you also have a kind of charge shot that I don’t really understand the mechanic behind. it seems to charge through regular firing, rather than through an actual charge or a not-firing mode
rail heist wasn’t really clicking with me. it’s a kind of awkward puzzle platformer where you have to steal shit and then get out. like bonanza brothers only not at all like bonanza brothers. you have a very awkward gun that is your only way of killing an enemy outside of some environmental stuff. if any enemy sees you you die, and once you interact with an enemy at all or pick up the money in a level the game swaps to a semi turn based mode where you get X amount of seconds to move around, then you freeze in place while the enemies move. the game is not very intuitive and I suck at it. it’s gonna be someone’s jam, though
planet zoldath is zelda 1 seen through the lens of some kind of western adventure games I’ve never played. it’s procedurally generated and you have to figure out what every item and all the resources do in order to figure anything out. you can only carry two items at a time, so you have to try to remember where you’ve left stuff. I didn’t think I would like this game but it’s been pretty enjoyable so far.
waldorf’s journey is like worms as a platformer, or umihara kawase where you can’t really walk, or one of those golf puzzle games. idk, i’m bad at this. you play as a walrus. you walk very slowly. you launch yourself around like you’d launch eggs in yoshi’s island. the platforms are very small and usually have some kind of catch to them. you have the ability to hover as a resource that can be refilled by picking shit up. it’s very difficult. when you die waldorf the walrus wakes up and you have to tell him to go back to bed to play again. this one feels compelling, but yes, very difficult
Woah, I love Porgy. Late-NES style marine biology themed sea exploration game. I’m still at the very beginning but already this one understands the appeal of the classic “cute until it’s terrifying” ocean game.
Wow a giant bundle full of smaller odd games to play through, why would anyone care about that >_>
Bug Hunter has big Michael Brough energy. The grid based turn-based combat and random module system reminds me a lot of 868-HACK.
Top 50 UFO 50 games.