Twin Peaks

Did anyone else encounter that guy who would push his Time Cube-esque website “explaining” Mulholland Drive if you mentioned the movie on twitter back in the day?

Was this the one that basically amounted to “the first half is a dream”?

I think so? It wasn’t very coherent. I think elsewhere in there he claimed that part of the movie consisted of different drafts of the same story or something.

He also claimed to be the only person to ever understand The Prestige.

Like, don’t get me wrong: I enjoyed the video enough to watch the entire thing. I like this sort of thing! But he basically confirms right from the beginning that this video is completely against what he considers to be the purpose of Twin Peaks. There’s something a little slimy about purporting to love something so much that your expression of love is deleterious to that something’s ability to exist. And yeah, I agree that a rote recounting of symbols and meaning squeezes the depth out of the show and reduces what should be messy and real to a sterile, flattened silhouette.

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it’s unfortunate video essays are the financially incentivized format of choice today because they are so uniquely terrible

kind of rules though, and i hope it feels that way for you too… now we’re all left touched by the association, for better or worse


oh yeah definitely! I don’t mind it at all. that somebody even asked him about it was good enough for me

he also said “it’s beautiful someone thought of that” so there’s that too

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Whoa, was the syncing the escape scene with the box scene your idea? How did I not register/remember that?

no, mine was the article about syncing episodes 17 and 18 of The Return in their entirety

I’m surprised (& flattered) anybody here remembered it was mine at all honestly, so don’t worry


Oh yeah! I read so much that I forgot where everything came from.

I was recently rewatching season 3 with a friend who hadn’t seen it and it made me really think about how important this thread was to all the awesomeness that summer. Thanks everyone!


important lynch content


this is a Thing in destiny

The Hive gods embody different ideals that they each believe to have primacy over all others (the “Sword Logic”) and their tribute to their worm gods is based on each. One Hive god, Savathun, embodies deceit. Over the second year of Destiny 2 there was a drip feed of messages purporting to be from an ally, then an AI, then a paracausal computing construct, then her daughter, then her, etc. Her purported plan was to use black holes (the “densest possible computers in the physical universe”) to perpetuate her deceit indefinitely by storing her secrets inside them. But discussing this, or her identity, or anything about her is itself tribute to her worm god.


yeah, i watched that version that showed up on Reddit a few years back and tbh, even though the missing pieces scenes are important, Lynch was totally correct in that they ruin the flow of the movie and should have been taken out.

Twin Peaks is a really important show to me, but it was a slow burn. the first time i watched seasons 1 and 2, i liked it, but it wasn’t my favorite Lynch thing. at some point between the time that Season 3 was announced until now, that all changed.

anyway, i mostly came here to say that FWWM is one of my favorite films and it always makes me cry and i love Laura so much.

i also don’t want to watch any fan theories because i want to respect Lynch’s belief that you should just go with your gut.


even mulholland dr, the thing every fan theorist wants every tv show or movie to be, starts with a first person shot of a head laying on a pillow. it’s not trying to trick anyone


This was actually the place I was least interested to see when I was in washington, cause it was the big tourist place, I’d seen a million pictures of it, etc. but then I ended up going there constantly. It just felt good being there. must of been the negative ions or something.

Every so often I’ll be walking, anywhere, and my eyes track over some bit of a hallway or alley or corner and frame things in such a way that through whatever combination of perspective, geometry, motion, or just short-term prediction, I start to anticipate what’s further down the hallway or alley or around the corner, and I think this deja-vu is tied to some previously-lynch-scorched bit of my limbic system and there’s a chance my brain gets into some feedback loop and my dread escalates from absolutely nothing and all of a sudden I’m terrified, sweating and frozen in place realizing i am in this stupid scene.

It happens once every couple of years. nbd.

It’s dumb to talk about this so gravely but it’s what gives me suspicions Lynch is actually a magician. That’s how I described how I felt to my wife a few years ago (might have said “evil magician”) (the entirety of mulholland made her skin crawl whereas I loved it of course) but I’m now realizing it’s more on the nose than I maybe thought. The skyrocketing tension over three minutes is masterful (enough to where it is living within me a decade later) and the power relationship of DIRECTOR LYNCH vs VIEWER ME has the same gloating menace as MYSTERY MAN (AT FRED’S HOUSE) vs FRED or more recently (and more explicitly involving a “magician”) RED (W/COIN TRICK) vs RICHARD HORNE

i… i resent it! like dan and fred and richard i get to feel fearful, and stupid about it too


Winkie’s Diner is

if I’m walking down a dark street at night, no cars, and someone pulls onto the road behind me, headlights at my feet, and I’m almost about to turn, and maybe I’ll turn before they catch up, close enough to see me, now I’m terrified that they’ll see me, now I have to get out of the light, now I’m obsessed with this fear, it’s pouring in waves as they get closer and closer and my shadow is shrinking, snapping back to my body and away from the night


Is anyone else low key afraid of dumpsters behind restaurants in broad daylight?

Edit: I just realized this is EXACTLY what we are talking about here.


I’ve been watching Twin Peaks with my gf, who had never seen it before. Today we watched the last four episodes of S2. For some reason, I’d totally misremembered the second to last episode. In my mind, the last TWO episodes of the show were great. I thought I remembered all the random storyline-capping bits happening in the second-to-last episode, and thought that the final episode was ALL Cooper in the black lodge. So I kept hyping up that penultimate episode, like, “alright, finally we’re done with bad Twin Peaks and we can enjoy two great episodes!”

Then we were watching Dick Tremayne get a handjob from Lana in the closet of the Great Northern. Whoops.

Final episode totally slays as always though. I’d forgotten how fucking funny that one-second cut to Leo in the spider-trap is. I love how much of the show is just flagrantly unresolved. My gf was totally freaking out afterwards, demanding to know whether Coop was gonna be OK. I can not wait to watch the movie and S3 with her. She’s going to be so pissed at how long it takes Good Cooper to wake up.