TV Party (Part 1)

Joe Pera reminds me so much of a friend of mine from high school (although with a few of the personality sliders set to MAX) that I find him immediately endearing.

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Just watched all of the first season of The Witcher in one sitting. Not bad, I guess. I wanted more of a monster hunting procedural than all this star crossed destiny stuff but hey.

How’s the original series?

the box is cool at least



what could they not get al pacino



oh my god the beautiful neon color


im still not fucking over how they made that lightning bolt two ns

who do you think owns that neon sign now? someone must have taken it home

is the seal wearing headphones that looks like a sharper image

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how is homeland still on it feels like it might as well be from forty years ago


accidentally got funded by the department of homeland security and just keeps going with every budget renewal

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this is making me really horny for a hypothetical Night Walks: the Vidcon

I don’t understand why the Heat don’t just make their ‘city edition’ strip their regular strip


yeah I’d do this again what the hell

I don’t think I’ve got any enthusiasm left for season 4 of Stranger Things

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holy shit its still going? i never finished the first season

season 10 of hells kitchen has a real life NYC GUIDO VOICE. hes shaped the same and he sounds and sweats the same! he keeps talking about how many hundreds of pounds of pasta hes cooked in new york baby!!

i am not prepared in anyway to defend this thesis, but the first thing i thought when i watched the stranger things 4 trailer is that stranger things pivoting to being some kind of weird slavophobic cold war thing is directly correlated to harry potter remaining a key text in the #resistance