This thread is for people who aren't suckers who buy cars.

Rad seems to use Bafang motors and I assume the same battery packs they use, at least mine is old enough to have them. When I was shopping for ebike kits that was the brand that kept coming up.

The Rover is geared super low to deal with the tires and heft of the bike and I find the whine of the huge tires to be a little obnoxious. It’s also just huge so whipping it around foot traffic is not as agile as I’m used to. Mopeds have like 17 x 2.5 tires which are smaller.

I did feel like a real cheater using that ebike, especially up the longer and steeper hills and passing people on real bikes. The Burke Gilman is absolutely full of people after 5pm, but on the plus side I’ve arrived home and don’t need to zonk out on the bed and nap to recover from…driving