One of my many incomplete selectbutton thread ideas, finally in its incomplete form. Gotta start somewhere. I wanted to go through every Pokemon, Battle Network and Medarot game, and possibly every other saturday morning cartoon game I can find, but then I got sidetracked by visual novels and eroges and their beautiful illustrations of Japanese homes.
And then there’s also those games that aren’t Japanese. You know. They exist. Sometimes they interest me.
So little time, so much to do and see. I just can’t focus on a single task these days. But thankfully, someone already did all the work for the Pokemans.
This is perhaps the key reason Shenmue is so beloved. It leans into this nostalgic aesthetic so hard that the every gameplay element is in service of it.
Sometimes I boot it up just to walk around Dobuita for an evening.
I literally gasped when I saw the furniture placement UI for I Want To Live In Loopy Town
It’s such an elegant way of allowing you to modify 3D space with 2D graphics on low power hardware. I hope whoever made that menu is proud of their work.
Ahhh, I know that game! I think I had a demo of it when I was little and never got the full game. It looked so cool though!
Sometimes it’s better to not get the full game. I remember that the demo for Flight of the Amazon Queen (I think was the name?) was really good and when I finally got the game and got past what was in the demo I was disappointed. Wasn’t as cool of a game the whole way through
I lost my home in which I lived most of my life not too long ago. It hurt a lot. It still does. I dream about it often. It was the best place. I will never live in a place as nice again. But I can’t complain. My new place doesn’t feel like home and probably never will, but it’s alright. I am lucky to have it. And I still have my memories.