I mean, the best system is the one you already know, which is why I’m running Dark Heresy 1e for a two session game with Marina and Haley next week lol
I should probably split this at this point, but since I’m out of time on my break I’ll just mention we apropos of Birch’s comment that we went through a phase of adapting every game we played to Champions/HERO System. Because if it’s worth doing, it’s worth implementing in exhaustive specificity.
My uncle works at Xbox and he says Sega is putting Crash Bandicoot on the Nintendo
Isnt it already out? I’m pretty sure I read a Digital Foundry article on the Switch Port?
I think Sega is just handling the Japanese release
It’s fucked there isn’t a B.P.R.D. X-Com clone, frankly.
I hope this is good because it is pressing my buttons
The Sega Genesis Collection was updated to support VR recently, so you can finally get that Truly Immersive Experience of being in a room with a TV and games console, playing some video games.
Oh, they also fixed that annoying stuttering issue so the games will no longer randomly burp at you at the worst moments, and the sound seems slightly better quality all round.
La Mulana 2 backer keys went out today, so release is probably happening real soon.
mine came up invalid
Maybe they won’t work until the game is live? I haven’t teasted mine at home yet.
I think they probably weren’t supposed to give them out yet or something; mine went through and then steam threw an error
Backer key redemption is invariably such a rigmarole… I blame Steam and all the consoles for probably half-assing Kickstarter support
Project to preserve Flash games:
I was only just recently lamenting that so many flash games are lost forever a few months ago!
Are they moving onto restroom stall wall literature next?
Monster Hunter World looks pretty spectacular on PC. You can turn off the slight fog the PS4 version has and then the game looks a lot more crisp. But what you notice is that the texture really aren’t of high quality. I guess that’s a good thing in a way, that you can actually see that?