The Mario movie looks -good-!??

Remake Altman’s The Player except instead of Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts in every pitch it’s Chris Pratt and Jessica Chastain

There is a director’s cut of the 1993 movie: Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut (VHS Extended Rough Cut 1.0) Movie 1993 : Super Mario Bros Movie Archive : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

I don’t know where I would have learned about this if not here, but I learned about it somewhere and now it’s definitely here.


I watched and enjoyed it but the plot is very ‘and then’. Mostly just a spectacle ride which will get disturbing very quickly if you think about it too long. I wasn’t ready to meet Mario’s extended family and the implied arrested development subtext.

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I’m amazed that people in the griftosphere were trying to claim that the movie has an agenda because of girlboss Peach

guys, the movie has no thoughts at all

it cannot have a political position because it has no mind

now, incel Bowser, that I’m willing to consider


finally, a film for the “no thoughts, head empty nintendo music (17 hours)” crowd


Oh no, it’s even better. You see, it was all about how girlboss Peach is infecting us all with the woke mind virus, originally, until the movie made a jillion dollars. Now the exact same people are saying, see! The Mario movie made so much money because it isn’t woke! The way it works now is this: if a thing is successful, it isn’t woke. If it’s unsuccessful, it’s woke.


i was right about the first part but was more surprised at how used to the voices i got. the one use of “its-a-me” felt both natural and funny. overall it was in-offensive and fun and made me wanna play the Mario RPGs so it’s hard to not call it a success


I’m glad to see some positive responses. I had planned to see it over the weekend but a YouTube clip of Bowser singing about Peach in Jack Black’s voice broke something in me.

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I finally got around to seeing the film this weekend, and this assessment feels accurate.

It’s chock full of moments and scenes made to work in a vacuum, so to speak, but the end result is that the whole experience is a vacuous as can be — a perfect example of a film that is disastrously less than the sum of its parts.

The film’s take on Peach is probably the its most interesting and smartly-considered aspect, though the breakneck pacing undercuts what pathos she could have had.

(Mario’s voice was not an issue at all, surprisingly.)

The kids deserve better.

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nah, the kids let Ruby Gilman and Elemental wither out on the vine

they really don’t deserve better, regardless of how much better those things are