The literary tradition of let's play

I think you could easily adapt writing let’s plays to Twitter, and make a Twitter thread instead of a forum thread. The character limit would make things interesting, keep things bite sized and maybe even make the labor easier to deal with because of it.


Maybe I have hangups about that site but I feel like that would be kind of a nightmare, certainly difficult to navigate as Twitter’s UI gets redesigned every couple of months to make threads arbitrarily worse or better to scroll through.

Yeah I wouldn’t trust the format to remain stable over the years, but I think a single, linear reply chain - esp on my timeline, because I don’t have 8k followers - would be totally intuitive if viewed in order. Otherwise, it’s a good borrowed form I could try to write one of these things and post it somewhere else, like here. But doing it on twitter I think also affords easy interaction, so people could reply or just get updates shoved in their face via the timeline whenever they’re made.

I’d keep it to a short game for your first experiment; text updates tend to run longer than you’d expect.

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