The Factorio thread

Told you this game just devours your time.

It’s honestly a bit dangerous.

And yes, there’s a whole lot of subtle Factorio physics and ways to optimize stuff, compress materials on belts more closely and the laws of where inserter arms load stuff. It’s a bit much for a beginner but soon these things can make a big difference in your production.

My seven-year-old nephew is staying with us for a week. Each time he visits, I expose him to a couple video games. Last time it was Abzu and Starbound. This time it’s Breath of the Wild and Factorio. I figure this is a good one for kids because of the ways it makes you think.

It’s fun to see the changes resulting from active development. Overnight, boiler functionality changed and uranium ore appeared in my in-progress game.

Oil is pretty scarce and surrounded by monsters on this map, requiring a long pipeline. I’ve researched trains now but have not built any yet.

Yeah, the default version on Steam was 0.14 until recently I guess. I had manually changed it to the 0.15 branch to get the new stuff

Typically you won’t use trains unless you set your world gen to make a world that demands it or you force yourself to fiddle with it. Belts have better throughput for short/mid distances. That said their rail system is really good, like Open Transport Tycoon good once you’ve wrapped your head around blocks.

Yeah trains only start making sense when you need to expand and your mining operations are far away from your smelting and processing factories.

You can very much win the game without building a single train

I launched my satellite today. For the past few days, I’d largely been just leaving the game running while doing other things (or while not even home).

The trains are definitely one of my favorite things to play with. I still have not tried drones, circuits, monster attacks, or multi-player. I figure I will save those things for when Factorio leaves early access and then maybe rent a server for a month or two.

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so who is still playing this, in what way, to what purpose?
particularly with creature aggression on or mods that aren’t quality-of-life adjustments

I played several versions of the demo featured on the website, although they all just have the same “First Steps” three-mission demo campaign. Interesting to see some of the visual evolution.
numbers going up and turrets are favorites of mine, but I don’t think game would appeal to me in the long run. I’m simply not mechanically-inclined enough to really get the proper joy out of it.
hasn’t kept me from dreaming about conveyor belts and inserters, of course

Incidentally, with the 0.16 beta hitting recently, I have started a new map.

My goal is to build a megabase this time around, trying to keep it tidy from the start, maybe play with the trains a bit more. I haven’t played too much yet in this new map though, and the QOL mods I’ve installed don’t seem to have been updated to work in the new beta.

Still playing on peaceful mode, but I want to also explore the military side a bit more too. Learn what you can do, etc. Some day I might start a game with enemy aggression on.

Playing on peaceful, I think of this game as Industrial Stardew Valley, if you will.


I had to force myself to stop playing this because it was using up all my free time and I haven’t gotten back to it yet. I still read the Friday blog posts about it though. I’ll probably get back to playing eventually, probably when I rope someone else in to play it with me.

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I forced myself to stop playing this right after finishing the game’s main goal once, because I want to try multi-player at some point and I figure I should wait at least until they stop constantly adding new things so not to miss anything before growing tired of the game.

I still plan to rent a server whenever development slows down, and I will post the details here when I do.


Looks like it’s almost time to play this again.

ahhh i should buy this now shouldn’t i?

Buy it before the 16th if you don’t want to pay $30

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It was well worth buying long ago already.


Welp I bought it and spent like 3 hours playing it instead of working, oooooops!!

I’m obsessed with this game, going through the campaign. I just finished the second mission, that teaches you about trains basically. The third one is,. I guess, just blowing up aliens? The combat in this game is very stupid and bad so I’m considering just going to freeplay now.

Should I push through the kill aliens mission? Is there good stuff in the campaign later?

I have 80+ hours in this game and never touched the campaign lol

Go to freeplay. That’s the fun part


Look at these fucken pipes. I shouldn’t be allowed to play this game. This is so bad.

(and yes I realize the pipe I am standing next to is not connected to anything. It was drawing Petroleum from the processor to the north but I didn’t want it to anymore.)

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Yessss, let the spaghetti sprawl…

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