:genki: THE 501 GAMES OF ALL TIMES :genki:

Listen up children Big Daddy Bachelor is on sabbatical like the man that invented Calvin pissing on the Ford Logo. I’m your subsitute. That makes you a chevy logo and me Calvin. The stream that’s these body temperture warm takes on video games delivered to you.

358.Langrange Point
I might be getting this confused with another Japanese only Famicom JRPG but this isn’t a peer vetted review board this is History Class. No One Reading this was alive to be blasted in amazement at what sounds were coming out of their Nintendo Famicom.

I was in Japan in 1988. And I will tell you I was dropped off at a soccer practice and cried until I was picked up. I was too small for sports anyways. There is nothing worse being the smallest kid in your class and being the smallest kid in your sports team and most of the kids were two years younger.

Why am I telling all of you this? Because I bought the Langrange Point Soundtrack on reputation listened to it two weeks straight and could not begin to tell you a thing about it. Being 4 years old and crying at one soccer practice is a stronger memory. There’s a lot of facts and figures about video games in my brain but information about Langrange Point isn’t one of them.

357. Donkey Kong 64
Let’s talk about 1998 now. Probably. Looking up dates of video games is for other people. I guess it was 1999 probably? Hmm… now you got me thinking class.

I had a real good time with a Nintendo 64. What being a single child with the video games that other people came over to play. Maybe they didnt like me very much. Maybe I was that kid. That hurts to think about you know?

But being a single child somehow I had 4 roughly working N64 controllers at any one time. And one time one of them was starting to fade into dust and Limp Analog Controller Syndrome.

This controller fading into obivilion meant I needed a new one one at gatherings said this one was mine. And that was the Extreme Green Donkey Kong 64 Controller.


It was a bonus only at ToysRUs. This list is more informative than the Gamespot forums. I sold it to a very member of this forum along with my in box entire N64 collection right before N64 stuff exploded in price. I hope they enjoyed Donkey Kong 64. The day i beat Donkey Kong 64 I grew up a little.

Mark Echo’s Getting Up
In 2008 I would get blacklisted from Guesthouses in Tokyo. Well they corrected that after they threatened me and said “yellowlisted”.

I ain’t got a clue if I still I am. If you need a guesthouse in Japan I still recommend guesthouse.co.jp. Our sponsor this post.

Now students. Pay attention. I was staying in a guest house. I franlkly had too much shit. I had I think two PS2s and an original xbox in my two suitcases. I was a moron who had moved to Japan and loved video games. He had just gotten fired from his first job. Staying in a guest house and playing Mark Echo’s Getting Up.

One night I would lock myself out of my room in a shirt and boxers. Eventually a Japanese housemate came home let me borrow some shorts and a thousand yen. I would use that thousand yen to travel across Tokyo because the guesthouse would not be able to send anyone to unlock my door for three days.

A week later and unrelated the blacklisting happened. Mark Echo’s Getting Up against all licensing reason is on Steam and you can buy it for 2.50. I don’t need to talk about it that’s your homework. I was just given this list of games to talk about. Class Dismissed. Do your homework or not. I get paid the same.


355. MEGA MAN 6

Mega Man 6 is one of the better Mega Man games. It is very easy and breezy and you can probably beat it in an afternoon without sweating it. This is a major plus, because it is 2018 and you’re probably not paying $50 + tax to play Mega Man 6. You get in, you get out, and you go on with your day. That is the way it should be…with game.

If you’re playing Mega Man and you don’t jump as you go through a boss door you’re a fuckin’ cop, by the way. Yes, that means Arino is a cop. Sorry, I don’t make the rules here. I just relay them.



Is Mario 3 the best game of all time?

No. It is too long. Maybe every level is a masterpiece but I’ll be fucked if I’m gonna play them all in one sitting. Give me that battery backup, you mother. Give me…well, ok, don’t give me Mario All-Stars. That game isn’t as good looking. Just give me an NES version where I can go from Worlds 1 through 8 without sweating over whether or not I can beat the game before picking my kid up for soccer practice.

I was institutionalized for quite some time as a teeenager. During recess at the institution you could play some arcade games. They had Shinobi. They had a Playchoice 10. They had basketball hoops. They also had an NES and all the kids would fight over who got to play it, which was an odd choice (to me) because that PlayChoice 10 was right there, with many of the same games. So most days I would make a dart for that PC-10, and I would get that warpwhistle at 1-3, and the second warpwhistle that I learned about thanks to the Wizard, and then I’d skip to 8-1.

Then I’d flame out and run out of lives like two levels in, and recess would be over and I’d have to go back to whatever it is they made really troubled kids do in a state run institution. So I never did a “one-credit-clear” of Super Mario Bros 3 as a kid. That game was really hard, okay.

I managed it years later though. As a real deal big boy. You sweating aging? You thinking “Wow, I bet I get uglier, and I lose my hand-eye-coordination, and won’t be able to ‘sport wood’ on command’?” No comment on the last one, but the first 2? Don’t sweat that shit. You can do it. You can age gracefully, just like me. I’m very good looking, and I have no trouble beating Mario 3 as an adult.

I’m indestructible.

353. MEGA MAN 4


Having an opinion on which Mega Man game is the best is like having an opinion on which Van Halen album has the best guitar tone. I admire your attention to detail but in the end all those songs are about finger banging girls in expensive cars. In the end it really doesn’t matter.

Also: Mega Man 2 is the best one. But 4 is pretty okay too.


That is the best description of Mega Man I have ever heard.


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Giving this a bump to save it from the deadly axe.

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Let’s pretend I posted this 2 months ago, when I originally wrote it. Let’s pretend a tornado just hit my area. It really fucked shit up. Upended trees. Downed powerlines. Wrecked homes. Didn’t have electricity for awhile there. For like…a day. But that was still really traumatic, ok? I’m not comfortable with how uncomfortable that made me but I have a history with darkness, and a fondness for the Wired, so I think you can “grok” how I was “feeling” there. Cuz yes…I like all my Select Button pals and I go into withdrawal if I can’t communicate with you all for more than an hour or two. Sue me!

So on that dreadful day when I had no lights I did what any sensible person would do: I drove an hour to a mall where I got day drunk in an arcade and texted many of my closest friends about my experience, all of whom were way too busy working proper jobs to respond to my dumb bullshit*.

There was a job fair at the mall that day. It was what you would expect from an American job fair in 2018: almost everything was about exploiting the ill or putting people in prison. Maybe I should have signed up for all that shit, but I was shy, and still delusional enough that I believed I can win the lottery or strike it rich via art over the next 6 months. I bet you believe in me too so please: pray for me, or send me some scratch off lotto tickets. I promise I’ll split the winnings with you if I hit the jackpot.

At one point I took a photo of about half-a-dozen K9 cops waiting for an elevator. Then I ducked into a Spencer’s Gifts cuz I was nervous they’d bust me for snapping pics. They didn’t. Keep that in mind should you ever have to flee the cops: maybe even they have too much pride to enter Spencer’s Gifts in 2018.

Spencer’s Gifts is Deadpool: The Store, by the way, so I’m probably way overestimating the taste of cops here and please feel free to ban me for it.

Anyway, I went to an arcade, and the problem with arcades is you have to spend money to play the games. It’s like 50 cents per play? $1? That’s a lot of money. So I sat down at the bar and bought a few $2 pints of that drink we all love: beer. And I sipped it, and checked my phone, and hoped someone would text me saying “Wow, you’re really going through some shit, why don’t you come over my place and I’ll fan you with a palm frond and pay off all your outstanding credit card bills.”

But that dream never came true. Instead I got drunk enough off cheap beer that I bought a TIME PLAY card that let me play arcade games all afternoon.

I also got drunk enough that I forgot to play the latest Silent Scope game. It is all about aiming a sniper rifle, and making heads explode. Its subtitle is BONE EATER. I’m certain it doesn’t live up to its promise, and if you know otherwise please don’t beat around the bush. Please post video of all the bone eating in this thread. Please don’t trick me into blowing $30 on gas and tokens and two-dollar-beers trying to 1CC some gross gun game that might have an ending where someone swallows a real hard bone.



I’m the anxious sort but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a greater anxiety than when @Drem suggested I play Magician’s Dead at Taito Hey in Tokyo. Magician’s Dead is a team-based arcade shooter with motion controls. One hand holds a Wii nunchuk. The other hand…makes gestures that shoot? But I couldn’t figure out how to shoot, and I died again and again, and I have no doubt that my teammates cursed the fuck outta me cuz I flushed their yencoins down the toilet thanks to my ineptitude.

And those 3 minutes were the low-point of my 2017. You might think that sounds like some privileged shit but fuck you, I bet those were real poor kids dropping their yens into a networked arcade machine. I let those kids down. I bet they’ve got their own 500 games list – not 501 cuz it requires a certain genius to come up with such a number – with at least 3 entries where they call out the dumbass who ruined their game of Magician’s Dead. And I can’t blame them! Or Drem. Thank you for pushing me outside my comfort zone, Drem, but I am pretty sure I’ll flashback to this experience until the day I die, or undergo extensive therapy that helps me accept many of the faux-pas I’ve committed in my life.

They had this game at that arcade. That is why I am mentioning it now.


I relate to much of this except for the “break through”.

Also that’s either one or three too many D’s, depending on your perspective.

(DM me for my perspective…it might surprise you!)


There’s some Nazi themed doujin fighting game that lets you play as a tank. Normally I wouldn’t give money to such a thing but hey, I’d bought a TIME PLAY card, and it let you play as a tank. I pretended the tank was good, and fighting against the Nazis who created it, but my enthusiasm for role-playing waned after like 4 minutes of bopping the computer with c.mp or whatever the tank equivalent is. For some reason all the drunks who hang out at the arcade in the middle of the day don’t play fighting games! They just stay at the bar drinking $2 beers. So I gave up on this shit right away and spent the rest of my afternoon playing an Outrun 2 cab with a fucked up screen.

And that’s how I spent the middle of may 2018. Thank you for reading.

*Ok, half of them replied to the photo of the BONE EATER cab with “That’s me.” I guess I have some pretty good friends huh. I mean, I was confused by what they meant by that, but it still made me laugh and that’s all that matters.


everybody in the forum is bumpin bumpin


Mega Man 6 is the best one fool

also this german megaman 4 box art rules, they somehow made it look like fritz lang’s megaman by just drawing over the american designs

Special guest OneSecondBefore here! I spent the past month studying and today I finally attained my 501 Games posting license from Bachelor.

Imagine yourself swaying on a hammock in a deep forest. The air is beautiful and the sunlight dappling through the leaves tickles your skin like the lick of a loving puppy. All is calm and you feel yourself nourished and renewed. As you lay comfortably, a single leaf drifts onto your chest. Its veins have grown into letters. They spell out the next game on the 501 games list.


For all four years of high school I was a member of the school orchestra. I’d learned to play the violin in middle school, and by the time I got to high school I was able to scratch out a few risible notes without breaking a string. By the time I hit 12th grade, I was slightly less mediocre than about half of the other violin players at my school, and I became the second chair of the 2nd violin section. For those who don’t know orchestras, this is the lowest possible position of honor.

A couple times a year, we got to perform at off-campus venues, sometimes far enough away to merit a bus rental. These were exciting times – we got to miss an entire school day and ride a special deluxe private bus with air conditioning and colorful patterns on the chairs. On even rarer occasions, the bus would even have a tiny television attached to the front ceiling.

One day, our conductor told us that just such a bus would transport us to our gig that semester, and he invited us to bring DVDs of movies to watch during the ride. I was just starting to get into film at the time, and I was very excited to show off by bringing a cool art film. I went to the local indie video rental place and spent an hour picking out the perfect movie. I wanted something cool and weird, but accessible enough to entertain a bus full of kids. I opted for Dr. Strangelove.

The next day we all filed into the bus and I gave the conductor the DVD. He promised to play mine, but first he put on a movie a freshman had brought. Happy Feet. It had just come out on DVD and a lot of my classmates were excited to see it.

The less said about Happy Feet, the better. It’s just generic childrens’ CGI glurge about weirdly anatomically realistic penguins dancing to bad pop music. It was totally boring, and you could tell most of the students on the bus weren’t really getting into it. The movie seemed to drag on forever.

Finally, Happy Feet ended and the conductor put on my DVD. My little introverted elitist art-dork 17 year old self was beyond excited to show off this cool, funny, Objectively Great movie to my class. I hadn’t counted on two things:

  1. Dr. Strangelove is in black and white.
  2. Dr. Strangelove opens with a long, quiet, still shot of two airplanes docking.

About 30 seconds into the opening shot, I could hear quiet, disconcerted murmuring all around me. A minute in, people were starting to get agitated. A minute and a half in, things hit critical mass and students started going wild. People were yelling and throwing shit! The conductor had to take the DVD out or risk a full-on mutiny and takeover of the bus. I was mortified. The movie I’d picked had been soundly rejected by my peers.

We still had time for an entire movie, but guess what? Nobody else had brought one. Do you know what the conductor did?

Do you know what he did?

He put on Happy Feet. Again.

And people cheered.

There was seriously a large section of the bus that was glued to Happy Feet again for the duration of the movie a second time in a row.

It may sound dramatic, but this moment had an outsized effect on my life. It was a major emotional factor in my decision to get the fuck out of Florida and move to Rochester, NY for college.

When the orchestra bus stopped at a McDonalds for lunch, I was drowning my sorrows in french fries when a girl I barely knew told me that she loved Dr. Strangelove and she was pissed that they turned it off. Reader? I went on to date that girl for the next three years.

Then she broke up with me and a year later I saw photos of her dressed in blackface at a frat party.

Florida, man. Never go to Florida.


This topic is too powerful


Posting for the first time in this legendary topic to say that Happy Feet is great and like at least as good as Dr. Strangelove


there was a happy feet sequel starring the penguinsonas of various wwe employees


You’re thinking of the other penguin movie’s sequel



Watching a movie a second time within 24 hours is such a rush. I have watched Roadhouse once per day, three days in a row. It is the closest I have come towards god’s light.


One of the main things I remember about going to the very first Game Connect Asia Pacific conference (in 2006 I think?) was the presentation of Happy Feet by the animators talking about how they did the environments etc. I think this was before the movie had been unveiled to the public, so they showed us a trailer.
Afterward, The guy giving the presentation seemed completely embarrassed to be associated with a kids movie about dancing penguins, and he muttered to the audience “…Yeah… it’s kinda gay…”


That sounds like 2006.

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remember when george miller was going to direct justice league in one of the fury road production lulls and nerds were all “the fucking babe and happy feet director is going to RUIN my graphic novel literature”


What if video games