tabletop rpg thread, second edition

ah, yeah fair. just to clarify a little bit more about how my solution mercifully isn’t that, here is how that “just let me play a fighter” scenario would go: you flip to the Perks section. the perks are organized under stats and you can only take perks you have a positive stat for, which limits what you have to look through but more importantly means that if you just want to be stronger, you just look under Strength. conveniently it’s listed first just like it is on your stat sheet, and it’s just a two page spread! it’s split up into four half-pages, labeled in large font:


as we all know, these are the four essential components of being strong, just as “score things” and “magic doors” are two of the essential components of a videogame. “not caring about dying” has stuff for berserker-type characters, “not dying” lets you tank lots of stuff, etc. there are only like six or seven choices under each of those headings and the ones that are beginner friendly have three big stars next to them. you can just quickly compare between “i want to punch mages to death” and “i want a billion hp” and be done.

anyway yeah im going to bed for real now

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