Share the commercial cartoon characters from your neck of the woods* I will document all the mascots I come across here (Seattle) and then dream about carving out a niche profession involving conning businesses into letting me make little video games about them.
Angel’s Junk Removal is iconic, always seeing these trucks around:
“The boss’s kid just got Blender” vibes, good stuff. Don’t let the local bowling alley poach this talent. I wonder if Kameo was an influence at all. Game-wise I’d like to realise the cancelled potential of that one “Capcom 5” GCN exclusive back in the day but also…maybe you’re just a normal (wingless) human driving the truck picking up trash during the day in a GTA meets Chulip town, hauling to this enigmatic dump where it mysteriously disappears at night…and then you catch a glimpse of Angel in the moonlight and follow them through a portal to a land where all the junk turns into a magical landscape to explore (as Angel) idk I’m just spit balling. It might deviate from the worldbuilding of this video but they seem like they’d be game:
This one is polished and professional looking but also boring so idk Buck Bumble 2.0
(though I might pass on principle, what do bees have to do with plumbing, they don’t even have ass cracks)
A plunger character could be pretty cool (idk their name yet (oh, Bob Oates I guess) but there should be an ancient Roman ferryman called Plungeus Pilot that leads you through a series of haunted aqueducts).
You could jump up and suction onto ceilings and instead of the usual treasure chests you get loot from sucking them out of treasure toilets (spoilets) and you have to defeat the final boss by sucking their brains out through their ass with the help of a rock band called Commodörhead probably.
This guy is maybe my personal fav so far.
The minotauresque proportions suggest to me that maybe there was a kid, let’s say a track star, who was in the locker room preparing for a competition when some rivals tied them up and threw them into a water heater and the two merged when the moon eclipsed the sun at the exact moment the starting gun rang out (note: do something with the phrase “running water”). This guy’s fast and heavy, can drop down and roll forward with devastating results for those in their path. Can hook up to pipes and either turn the water hot to boil enemies or super cold to make traversable ice and everything in between (Luke “The Juke” Warm Wilson is a friend from the football team that somehow met with a similar fate as our doomed hero and you have to physically combat them (until they come to their senses) while keeping the shallow pool of an arena exactly room temp (Room Temp is another character, a substitute homeroom teacher)). With the good ending, we are reassured that our hero can, physiologically (and most miraculously, psychologically) still breed with the (mostly?) human love interest.
*I have about 50 mascots on my phone from my trip to Japan. I had to stop taking pics eventually, there were too many! It is truly mascotopia. Maybe I’ll share them but also I’m kinda focused on local ones but SB peeps in Japan, feel free plz.