Super Nintendo Explorer's Squad - SimAnt Casting Call

Is the Ventrilo messed up for everyone right now or just me?

I’m having intermitten issues, not sure if people can hear me or not!!! There is something up with the server. Gonna switch to the backup plan, which is discord:

@meauxdal @ferrets @CourierRice @OneSecondBefore @Tulpa @Father.Torque

That link will go to a discord channel I set up that should automagically record the podcast. I’ll also do a backup locally. It’s not ideal but we’ll see how it goes

this was fun! i’m really sorry i had to dip, everyone

No problem! I’m glad you could make it

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This podcast is out! I may have rushed the editing at the end so uh, let me know if it’s weird or anything.

It’s also on iTunes and Stitcher and, if you use any of those.

All feedback is welcome!!!


oh god im dead

I played pc simant a lot back in the day. I got to play it in school because I convinced my teacher it was educational. I didn’t even know there was an snes version. who plays simant on the snes yall are some casual simanters

Hey listening to this via the web there was a chunk of silence at ~38 minutes that last for maybe 30 seconds, after you mention the ant pooping food into the others mouth.

It seems like my audio is pretty glitchy throughout. Kinda discouraging. Not sure if that was bad connection on my part or discord being bad.

that seems perfectly reasonable


Dangit - that’s the part where I lost audio, but I corrected it with the local recording I had. I must have screwed it up somehow.

And yep, I accidentally muted the track before I published. Crap. Well, lesson learned I guess. I was rushing to get it done and didn’t notice :roll_eyes:

I think there must have been a slight delay, because people kept talking over you. I’m going to make people do push to talk next time, will be a little cleaner. Your audio was fine when people weren’t talking over you haha.

Hopefully the increased number of speakers for tomorrow’s cast won’t make that worse, then.

Well, the real solution is for me to be a better moderator. I’ll try and get people to repeat themselves cleanly if they get interrupted so that I can edit it easier.

And next next time, I’m seriously just limiting it to 6 people total. I keep wanting to include everyone but if it’s reducing the quality, I need to actually limit how many people are on. I’m just too much of a soft boy to tell people no :confused:

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I now know way more about ants than I ever wanted to know.


Let me tell you about my good friend and constant enemy, the ant.

There is an ant species called Pheidologeton Diversus (I googled it) where the soldier ants can be 500x larger than the smallest worker ant. Apparently, they also have 5 different castes instead of the usual 3, with minor workers and major workers also having a fairly large size difference.

The worker ants will find prey and swarm it, holding it down until the soldier ant comes. The gigantic soldier ant will then chop the head off of the prey, and the workers will carry it down to the nest

I love ants.


wtf the fuck

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Here is a photo I took during a flood last year. I came within about two feet of walking into this.


so, one way you could handle this is by having people “buzz” in - the order of buzzes is preserved, and as each person finishes their piece, the next buzzer is allowed to speak. even mild latency can cause major issues when attempting to coordinate the microseconds of silence between speakers that are the most frequent causes of overlapping

maybe more trouble than it is worth

alternately, people could just wait to speak until addressed by you, but that would be maybe less efficient since everyone doesn’t necessarily has much to say on any given tangent/topic

I have previously considered tapping the “push to talk” key a few times to flicker the ON notification, like I’m raising my hand to chime in. not sure if that would be helpful or if we’d constantly be a flickering mess. I hate talking over each other because it’s hard to edit/hear, but I do like having some organic conversation too

I mean, we have absolutely no system for regular sbpc’s except people talk when they want to and work out any conflicts that come up. As long as everyone’s on PTT it seems to work fine. I mean, with a solid editor.