Super Nintendo Explorer Squad - podcast casting call

Aw man I’ve loved Shnabubula since high school, good choice. I do recommend interstitial music be the featured game, tho.


Recording tomorrow at noon PST! I’ll ping everyone an hour or so before. I’m excited!! yaaay

I still have to write an intro and outro script

Ugh I gotta drop out this time. I double booked w/ therapy and I can’t reschedule :frowning: @haley @contentdeleted take my spot???

Really wanna do the next one tho pls

I’m coming down with something mean but I’m gonna be at this

Oh yeah, i should note that I’m definitely keen for the next one, just don’t feel like playing through Soul Blazer again, or feel like I have much to say about it apart from ‘mermaids’ and ‘colours’ and ‘boss reappearing in Illusion of Time’.

I’ll be there! IMO it’s ok if anyone has to cancel. 8 people was probably too large a number for one episode anyway.

Okay, just a reminder ping to @Godamn_Milkman @OneSecondBefore @sleepysmiles @Tulpa @CourierRice @tibyz we’re recording in about an hour yay! Here’s the link to join:

This should be dead simple but we’ll find out.

For sure, gonna prioritize folks who wanted to make it this time but couldn’t. I’ll PM you before I put up the general thread!

I’m in the damn room you goober :stuck_out_tongue:

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we out here


i might be a few minutes late but ill be there!!

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some things came up and i’m not feeling super right now, going to drop this one off ;-[

but i really wanna be part of this podcast (or the forum official’s) some other time~!

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hey clint what’s your thoughts on certain romhacks being included, such as the BS Zelda hacks, Parallel Worlds, Unprecedented Crisis, and that one Game Grumps version of Kirby’s Dream Course

some of them, like Crisis, are still being updated, so that’s a bit up in the air. But, if we were doing a famicom explorer podcast instead, I would probably demand we touch on Rockman 4 Minus Infinity.

ROM hacks sounds like a good idea, I’ll have to think about how to implement those. Maybe a, like, once every 5 episodes thing or something?

So uh

I have bad news

Zencastr dropped Sleepy’s audio track entirely, and most of OneSecondBefore’s as well. Apparently if someone has any connection issues, you just lose all of that person’s audio up to that point! And stupid me didn’t record a local backup because…I trusted the cloud??? I have no idea what I was thinking, never trust the cloud.


I’m so angry right now, and I’m really sorry for blowing up everyone’s hard work on this. There was a lot of really good discussion, and 2/6 of that is lost…which pretty much throws everything off.


The only salvageable part is the last 30 minutes where we switched to a new recording session. We ended up talking about colonialism in Actraiser, genocide in Soul Blazer, and shintoism. So that’s pretty good I guess??? Instead of keeping this to myself, I added an intro and an outro so that you can get a feel for how the podcast would have been had it not been mostly immolated:

So, fuck Zencastr into space. The one thing I liked was that it’s not push-to-talk, but other than that it’s hot garbage and screw it. Next time we’ll go with Ventrilo.

Sorry again - next time I’ll get it right, I promise.

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that really sucks! we’ll record a real ep 1 two weeks from now.

edit: my wife says you should prob check your drop box in case the audio got dropped in there anyway even if its not visible on zencaster’s interface

Thanks for the tip - unfortunately it did not show up in dropbox either! I even made it process a final mix to see if it would pick up something I couldn’t get to, but that version is just me, Tulpa, and Milkman. Even worse!!!

That’s a bummer, but it was a test drive! I think I was sloppy in this anyway.

aw that sucks clint :confounded:

i saw something on my end like “finalize audio” when i reloaded after my connection dropped, i don’t know if that had anything to do with why i couldnt get back into the recording. I didnt want to click it because i didnt know if it would mess anything up… Extra weird was that my voice wasnt being picked up anymore and then when i tried to reload i couldnt hear anyone, either.

I think that meant “We didn’t get a full upload, do you want to just save this 0 KB file?” Because that’s what it did when I clicked it :-/

Dang, that’s unfortunate that the audio didn’t save correctly! What a crappy tool. It’s ok though, it was still a fun time. I’m def on board for the next one.