Super Mario 2006


New Dank City


It is New Dbuttholenk City


Import every game known into Mario 64. Omnio 64.

Call me a hidebound old fossil, but I still can’t get past the whole “possess enemies with your hat, which is itself possessed” thing. It strikes me as a bad fit- both thematically and mechanically- in much the same way that the FLUDD did.

This reminds me of the classic Edo Bertoglio No Wave film “Donktown 81”

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This is uh something.

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Edge gives it a perfect score, their twentieth in their entire history.

16 Days until DONK.


I can’t figure out why anyone here would still care about assigning games numbers

edit: lol, I probably sound like an asshole. But I legit don’t get it when this is a forum where we mock like every single “top [x] games of all time” lists, and where we’re aware that the gaming press has a largely uncritical relationship with series that are “expected” to always produce Masterpieces (Mario, Zelda, etc). Also in my own experience with videogames first impressions are usually the least enduring and thus least trustworthy impressions

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There’s a little doggie that grabs his hat.


I’m stupidly excited about this. I wish it came out just a tiny bit sooner so that I could be playing it on a plane in a week

I love top x games of all time lists, I just think they’re all bad lists.

I like weird canons and counter-canons fighting it out with strange beliefs about what makes games work underpinning the creation of those lists

abdn’s list was excellent for this reason


i like lists when they are “top x kart racers” or “top x 3rd person stylish character action games”

i like top x lists otherwise too but they are less useful

tbh i just like lists

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I don’t think anyone actually cares about the number and yeah, it is expected that early reviews will always score higher. But, like, I thought Edge was still respected in general?

Then again I just looked up the other 19 perfect scores they had and two of them were for Skyward Sword and Mario Galaxy 2 so huuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.


Honestly I’m still pretty disquieted at how red that sand is

That’s worth some kind of token

every review that doesn’t include this detail is a Bad Review

hell just put that on the damn box

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Check out this list of history’s most notable games by a guy who has done a shitton of research mostly on PC adventure games:


I want to play this videogame

yeah I love filfre’s stuff

Their own Top 100 list would beg to differ.

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