stylo and digs play!!

yeah i feel like, i liked earthbound a lot but i have trouble coming up with any over arching statements about why i liked it. it just had a … nice personality! loved the mr Saturns (boing!), loved the back-on-trend trippy fight backgrounds, loved the somewhat terrifying portrayal of the US (blonde women with horrifying makeup smiles, blue Klansmen/Mormons/Happy-Happyists) and the loopy yet sincere vision of childhood. i may cave and try a fan recipe for peanut cheese bars.

agree with @stylo that there was too much fighting … I appreciate the effort to provide #content but they really could have cut a few of the more random dungeons–as a backseat gamer i would often be zoning out and just like, let me know when you’re done with the next interminable batch of orbs babe