Strange Adventures in DC Comics

Batman Oddesy or Holy Terror would be closest.

Guys IDK where to start on this one I can and have talked about Big2 comics forEVER

No selfies in Barnes and Noble!


Holy shit this comic is just insane and I have no idea how it happened, but it did and yeah.

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Hereā€™s a spreadsheet Iā€™ve been working on featuring every Versus Cover in DC Publication History. Definitely incomplete, but I am about 1500 entries in.

Thatā€™s MY shelf damnit! :stuck_out_tongue:

i bet all this A/B cover stuff is driving you nuts.

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What really drives me nuts are the group fights. Gimme a clean one on one any day.

The more I read superhero comics by the big two lately the more I realize most of these writers and artists I just canā€™t seem to care about anymore.

Started off reading the newest reboot of Batgirl - what is this, the sixth one in the last decade that promises a fresh new start where Batgirl gets her own version of the joker or whatever the fuck. No maybe this is the one that promises she gets a boyfriend.

who the fuck hires these Teens that their end goal for the comic book industry is to get a cozy job at DC writing fucking stories about some old ass dude whoā€™s been dead for a hundred years character! fuck! The only good story Iā€™ve read out of DC is probably Gotham Academy. Maybe Alan Moore was right - maybe all of this shit just needs to be thrown away for two decades and nobody ever needs to think about these characters for awhile.

I read that DC is doing a series about Deathstroke now. Does anyone care about Deathstroke that cares about him in a way thatā€™s unrelated to how dreamy Manu Bennetā€™s face and voice are.

I wish DC would stop hiring artists that you can tell were chiefly inspired by Anime and Jamie Hewlett. I wish all of those artists would go to the same CAD school and get caught in a freak printing-press related accident.

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maybe this stuff just isnā€™t your thing man. But it doesnā€™t sound like youā€™re reading any highlights or great runs but just diving into todayā€™s pile. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but if youā€™re looking at Batgirl as the standard for American comics that hardly seems fair.
That feels like looking at Warhammer Eternal Crusade or something and judging games today, itā€™s just such a random pick.
Like Iā€™m sure if we talked I could give you a WAY better recommendation than just this current B-girl that I know a few B-girl fans canā€™t stand.

Itā€™s not about whether or not itā€™s this Batgirl or some legendary run of Batgirl. It could be Iron Fist or Avengers or Falcon or anything - weā€™re supposed to have attachment to these characters and the concepts they embody but none of them have concrete personalities from one writer to the next or even represent the same set of ideals.

Doctor Doom is Iron Man right now, this feels like it was an idea created by someone who never read Doctor Doom but was solely raised on /co/ memes.

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Are any of the green lanterns likable again

If you want to help me out, you can actually make a list of whoā€™s fighting who here, and what issue this is a cover for.

The Deathstroke series is actually pretty good!

Iā€™m pretty biased, but I like all of 'em. The four main guys are all hanging out with each other in Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps now.

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With regards to Batgirl though: I just really want Oracle back


Yeah, I might as well put that on there.

Justā€¦ no. I mean these characters change and morph but thereā€™s a heart to each of them. Sure some bad stories betray that. But I know when Spider-Man is being done right and wrong (see the Civil War movie for the WORST fucking interpretation of that character in history)

It just sounds like you should be reading other stuff though.

Thatā€™s JLA vs Avengers.
There was a Wizard article listing everyoneā€¦ donā€™tā€™ know if I wanna attempt that from memory.