Steven Universe, don't tumblr my rocks!

I think a lot of the criticisms about the Diamonds would be tempered if they’d had another maybe four episodes to mess around on Homeworld and chip away at their characters. The crew used the time they were given extraordinarily well, and pretty much nailed every beat so far as I can see, but it doesn’t have the time to breathe and sink in the way the show does during the first two acts. The end of the show is a runaway train of, like, 16 tightly serialized episodes barreling away one status quo after another so it can slide into the station on time.

But I think later events pretty well make up for that. We’ve got basically a whole season of reflection to unpack what the fuck happened and to tie it into the entire show from the start, and it really underlines how Much those events were, and how quickly they were wrapped up, and how much was left unresolved, in a way that’s thematically relevant to what the show serves to talk about anyway. It’s just… I really like how everything ties together ultimately.