Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

I didn’t get the chance to play it yet, did pick it up on the cheap so hopefully I’ll get to it in the not too distant future.

I… am so not pleased with myself for picking up Stephen’s Sausage Roll for only $5 or $6 off only to see it drop an additional $18 or so within a few months, after having been so strict about the pricing up until then. I am now scared to actually play the game as I am walking in with a ton of negative energy. My own fault for paying over $20 for a indie game, will likely not do that again for a looooong time.

Boy howdy these two shooty games here sure do look good and cheap.

EDIT: Broken Steam widgets, grr fixed, cheers @janitor

They sound pretty great too, wonder who’s responsible for that.

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can you give us names? bad links.

seriously, I know the Steam widget broke but I thought it was fixed for a couple of weeks

Don’t be discouraged. I don’t know if you saw my post in your puzzle thread, but the game is worth what you paid despite increpare’s attempt to downplay it as much as possible. It’s very much up your alley based on what you seem to enjoy.

wait who is responsible!?

I wonder.

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Multiple people whose opinions I respect have spoken very highly of SSR (plus your write-up was very good) so I’m sure it is at the very least a pretty good puzzler. The thing is, I have that mental flaw where I hold things against various media and inanimate objects that is hard for me to get past. SSR at this moment is the game where I spent over 300% more than I should have because of a truly odd discount pattern/schedule; it could be the best puzzle game ever made and if I started it today I would likely find it to be a miserable experience. It’s a game I was likely gonna play this summer, now it is a game I have to not look at for a good long while.

We all have our own stupid quirks, this is mine :frowning:

as i was taught on the news thread: drop the game name from the steam page url to fix the embeds

eg the above links


this keeps showing up on my lists and it looks really cute

reminder that Wand Wars is a Very Anime Wizard Dodgeball type game. can’t remember if they’ve gotten online yet, but if so I imagine it’d be fun to play with SBs

also get Wuppo already y’all. that’s the most important thing.

Ranko Tsukihime’s Longest Day is 4.99 on PS3 PSN and includes all of short peace and if y’all don’t buy it I will cry.


Am I supposed to buy it just for the anime, or is the game that everywhere else says is terrible not actually terrible? I generally love you guys but after Killer 7 I don’t trust y’all when it comes to Suda.

I really like the game and I really like Killer7!

It is one of the best grasshopper games for their whole 360-era slump.

who the fuck is saying the game is bad

the game goes in, shoves some mechanics in your face, makes you question reality with some cutscenes and then ends before it overstays its welcome

you will play it for like, maybe a few hours and be done with it forever and that’s a better use of 5 bucks than going to the redbox or some dumb shit

Killer 7 is basically my least favorite game, so… you see my dilemma here.

I mean, to say that SB is the only place to say anything remotely positive about it would likely be false. It is definitely the only place I’ve come across to be even vaguely positive about the game part though.

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Crimzon Clover is only $2 in the Steam sale.


so weird that all these free and cheap games shift the mental math over to the cost of data

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