Star Trek Thread: Nemesis 2: Nemeses, etc. (Part 1)

Dr. Cats

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The dog’s name is Number One.

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Potential spoiler filled thoughts about borg:


The conflict it looks like their setting up seems to be one about the borg as much or more than with the borg.

Maybe all the Borg are in disarray from the end of voyager? And so a lot of drones de-borged after janeway killed the queen.

Plus Hugh is back, so Hugh’s subgroup of more benevolent Borg could suddenly matter again.

Maybe the show is about Picard, himself a former borg, trying to build a path forward for a new, improved, not evil collective while anti-borg factions are smashing up impoverished former borg. Thereby fulfilling hints from Guinan and also the hopes of the actual plot of the first Hugh episode.


So do you think Brent Spiner in the trailer is B4 or genuine Data?

Some data musings that might be accidentally spoilery:


So we see the broken parts of presumably commander Data. We also know data transferred his memories into B4. The Spiner in the trailer is almost certainly B4, but I feel like there’s a huge chance Data could come back as actual Data.

But what if…with all the borg bullshit…what if the show tries to pull a bait and switch and have the main villain actually be Lore instead of like, a new borg queen? Brent Spiner playing a billion characters is pretty standard stuff, and his borg connections would make him a pretty reasonable but still ‘shocking’ twist. They might even act like real data is back but it’s actually a repaired Lore.

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I’m onboard for H. John Benjamin’s Tribble explosion


Can we throw a Sonic-level fit and make them change the animated show to Squigglevision?


did discovery ever get watchable? i tried to watch it with my dad and it was so fucking dour it felt like some sort of horrible relic from bush era SPACE 9/11 shit that transported itself to the future. i think i tapped out around the time they started torturing the mushroom alien to teleport around

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It varies wildly, like they went through several different teams of writers and producers. The start of season 2 is promising and then it devolves into time travel Moffat nonsense. It’s not episodic, though, so I have no idea if you can edit out the medium-good episodes and enjoy it.

immediate edit: I just remembered the back half of season 1 and it is so absurd and awful you should spoil it for yourself for a laugh.

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after having watched discovery it somehow gave me a newfound appreciation for fucking enterprise of all things so i guess its an accomplishment in itself that i would rather watch trip mpreg than whatever the fuck was going on in discovery. just thinking about the netflix subtitles (FREE JAZZ STARTS PLAYING) while they rub decon gel on each other

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God, that’s a good way to describe it.

I think they realized how off-putting it was to have every ep of season 1 be a parade of atrocities and tried to make it more Trekky in season 2 by introducing a lot of TOS characters into the mix. So, the tone is less bleak.

That said, it still has the problem of like, whole writing rooms worth of people changing out twice a season, so tons of plot threads are introduced, then dropped, resulting in this bizarre meandering arc started by one team and finished by a completely different one. Definitely didn’t work for me, but there’s a few nice bits here and there.

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Enterprise’s post 9/11 bullshit season had issues but it did end with the good guys going ‘hey maybe we can be friends with the people we wanted to kill at the start of the season’ and it kinda worked.

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As a Babylon 5 guy I’ve always felt like serialized storytelling can do no wrong, and can only enrich a series, but Discovery has shown me the error of my ways. Trek should always be episodic, I see that now.


yeah like DS9 was really the way to go here. episodic but theres still character development and arcs. i dont need a whole season of space 24


enterprise also got a lot better once it got the 9/11 out of its system, like most things from that time

The last arc of Enterprise was literally the crew fighting against earth isolationist human supremacists using terrorism to drive humanity rightward and even as sanitized as that was I can’t even imagine a show being that on the nose about conservatism and getting away with it today.

Not on network TV at any rate.


I think that’s exactly the sort of mainstream suburban liberal values that are easy to pitch; there’s definitely a surge of half-glancing multicultural re-affirmations which we’re into

Or, it’s not like the 2009/2010 surge of ‘mancession’ pitches

This was more hardcore than that. The rhetoric and actions were pretty much identical to actual right wing extremism. It wasn’t vague ‘multiculturalism is great’ but based on actual white supremacist shit.

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yeah in enterprise archer and crew were going up against hardcore human supremacists who were doing terrorist attacks and shit, it was an arc very much about stopping that kind of shit

Yeah, I just don’t think there’s any more difficulty getting that pitch through in today’s environment, either. Media corporations love a certain amount of criticism if wrapped in certain sensibilities. Genre has always been a way to be much more direct than otherwise.

I think the more common limiting factor is the need for consensus across a creative team and the fear of splitting a market; this is overcome sporadically (and as far as I can see, at similar rates and driven by current circumstances) due to leadership – a team with a strong creative vision and a director/showrunner equivalent willing to fight tends to fight that the executive don’t really or understand, anyway, they’d just like to have some semi-plausible argument about how you’re going to spend these millions of dollars.

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