Spring Cleaning 2020

I played it recently, up to “On a Rail” and felt like it hewed too close to the original to be interesting? It also made me think maybe Half-life kinda sucks?

So uh

I think that means you might actually be interested in it.

I don’t mean that snarkily btw, I mean it’s very close to the source up to the point I played and not moddy at all, I just got sick of HL I think


No snark received. Tbh I’d kinda prefer it to be distinct from the original a la RE2 Remake. My original ‘moddy’ comment was more in regards to polish than being a 1:1 remake.

I watched a HL:Alyx playthrough on Youtube and while it is impressive I feel like my Half-Life love has died off too.

oh yeah i should play parasite eve too

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