SPAIN POKEMON... YOUR CHOICE: a cavewoman riding a dirtbike or a tron contestant riding a hovercraft.

i finally got a shiny via the sandwich grinding method. I think it maybe took me 3 or 4 tries before finding one, which was over several sessions maybe 1.5-2 hours of grinding. Per shiny, that’s actually not that bad… I was just listening to podcasts I wouldn’t have otherwise found time to listen to and trying to turn all the other parts of my brain off.

The shinies have no visual tell besides their coloration so I think that hunting them this way would be extremely difficult for pokemon which are too small to easily notice, or pokemon which have unobtrusive shiny colors too similar to their normal forms. This is a pain because Arceus already solved that problem… shinies in Arceus make a small chiming noise and emit stars from their bodies occasionally. They shoulda done that here too!

The shiny I got was a shiny Slither Wing in the crater. My husband chose the name so he trolled me and now it’s named Jumbaco.