Kind of want to cross-stitch the pink text on a pillow
the master system version of aladdin is really nice looking. the first couple of stages are auto running, and you just jump over obstacles, but after that, it becomes a prince of persia-style precision platformer
puzzle link 2 on neo geo pocket color gives you these cards for finishing stages
oh wow, retro game daisuki
a bunch of the comments in the “most recent” column are from me, over a decade ago
Duckstation swiped their screenshot for the emulator’s thumbnail of that game–even though it’s from the Saturn version. ^ _^
Or wait no maybe I did that. …
Oh yep that was me, 'cause the Duckstation cover downloader I use doesn’t pull down a thumbnail for Disc 2, Ninja Hayate, of the Time Gal & Ninja Hayate two-disc compilation.
I guess that was just the most fun picture I managed to find of the game so I went with it hah.
absolutely love the juxtaposition of totally fantastical and totally mundane things here… from Satan and shields to barrels and eggs
The second level of Stranglehold takes place in a tropical island full of rickety old shacks full of explosives. I kept thinking that Uncharted could never reach the kind of ballet of violence that Stranglehold gets to. Things like ziplines and sliding down rails make sense suddenly. Shooting a branch to cause an avalanche to crush the hordes of enemies in front of you doesn’t feel cheap. These are veritable Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater levels but with shooting and exploding buildings instead of half pipe ramps.
My only notes are that the aiming feels difficult sometimes, and the color grading when you’re in Slow Mo makes targets hard to see. There was also a section where you were a helicopter turret gunner and it kind of goes for a little too long.
Then there’s the cutscenes. Tequila goes on a boat where the big bad is, he’s smoking a cigar, tequila lights a cig. The smoke in this scene is perfect. Somehow none of the dialog feels cheesy or bad, like the dialog nearly every videogame of this era seems to have.
After one level I set the controller down and did a little golf clap at my TV.
I played like an hour of Forza 3, IDK why, it’s very boring.
The game has a kind of calendar for race events, so you sign up and do them in sequence and it kind of swaps them out. The one I had been stuck on since I had last turned it off was an E class race, and I hadn’t been able to beat it with an RX7 (actually I couldn’t stand that I didn’t finish the first lap in 1st). so I decided to upgrade a Nissan Versa to compete - by giving it race compound tires and making it very light. I won handily.
Next the game wanted me to do an A class race. I was like “what’s the lowest performance car I have, and can I win with it?” that car is a Scion xD and reader…
Porsches and Corvettes were no match. I also kept it Front Wheel Drive. Nearly impossible to drive.
Rewind in racing games is a bad idea, you may think it’s good, but it means that you never have to live with mistakes and you feel like you can take corners perfectly if you just got it right eventually - but really it just means trying and retrying corners over and over. Its nice to rewind after missing a corner and not have to restart the whole game, but, like, it takes away a bit of the tension.
i put these in the wrong thread! fuck!