Share & Talk About Your Music

Lily went out to drink with a friend of ours, and I was invited too but I was feeling too down to want to drink especially in a crowded bar, so I stayed home and made some guitar recordings in an effort to lift my own spirits. I think these are my two favorites.

When I’m on my meds again I might try making some backing tracks to play to with my various softsynths. As it is it’s really hard for me to focus on any kind of fiddly composition activity, but I can still improvise on guitar as easily as always. This instrument has been a perennially important part of my life I think partially because of that.

I kind of wonder if there should be some sort of “musical diary” thread for stuff that’s just part of your daily process or the like, or like work-in-progress etc., since this thread seems to be more kind of focused on finished release type stuff, and I know I for one generate a lot of material that I’m not sure of yet that way at least in the moment, but I think material like that can be fun to share and talk about in its own way and I’m sure other people here generate their own material like that as well…I need to go to bed but maybe I’ll start one later on (of course if someone else is raring to obviously they’re welcome).