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Can’t I just leave stuff as pencils


does this resonate w u at all


oh heck, yeah


Probably not the way they intended. They go on to argue that their “abstract” rendering of the arm is superior to their “literal” one, but it isn’t. There’s a point to be made but the way they illustrated argues against it; what they showed is that an “abstract” rendering is tricky and can backfire if you get the emphases wrong, which they did: the two-width computerized dead line weighting is distractingly horrific, and the interior lines confusingly haphazard. The “literal” rendering does have weird weighting on the bicep that is not at all in the sketch, but it’s much worse in the “abstract” one. The “literal” one is readable; the “abstract” one is borderline unreadable. No inker would ink like that and they themselves don’t appear to ink like that so I’m not sure why they did here; it made for a bad illustration of the point they were trying to make.

The appeal of a sketch that is hard to reproduce is its indistinct definition, which allows the viewer’s imagination to overlook irregularities and complete the form. For instance, in my pencils, the eye on the right side of the central figure’s face is out of position, and their arms are too long, especially the arm on our left. But you don’t notice that so much because the various stray marks and doubled lines encourage you to redraw the figure in your head from the suggested image.

I adjusted those before I “inked” it in watercolor

although then I realized that her breast and hip on the right were stretched slightly to the side–something I might have caught if I’d looked at it again in the mirror after having adjusted the more obvious eye and arm problems, but eh I was rushing it a little and didn’t, alas. Those again are things you don’t notice so much in the those sketchy pencils, where the form is suggested rather than defined to the mind.

Also, when I sketched it I was sort of enjoying the loose/distorted quality; I’ve been too tight lately which is not my forte so I was trying to make myself loosen up–but that’s tricky to get away with in the conversion to a more defined medium. Still, it’s much less stressful and time-consuming, and maybe more interesting (that’s probably just an excuse ; ), so I’m going to try to make myself keep doing it, because the alternative often ends up being that I spent four hours on a technically more finished pencil drawing that is subtly but thoroughly off anyway or just plain boring and wasn’t any fun to do and I want to quit.

Hm so another thing with me vs that example is that these days I tend to “ink” the pencils exactly as I drew them, minus the stray lines and with maybe slightly more weighting here and there–but if I want a “literal” or “sketchy” quality I usually put that into the pencils themselves, rather than trying to wing it at the inking phase; it just gives more reliable results, which in itself can mean less wild and crazy results, which are sometimes good–but more frequently hair-pullingly frustrating and I can’t make myself sick with all-nighters trying to salvage pencils gone wrong anymore, if I can help it. So now if I ended up with a final version that looks like a finger painting it’s usually because my attempt to ink the pencils just totally failed (usually because the pencils were badly flawed in some way I hadn’t realized, because I rushed them or overdid them), so I resorted to whipping up something wet-on-wet over them.


doing some studies with painting recently on figures. trying to get back into painting. feeling infinitely better than the last time i seriously tried digital paint. part improvement and part clip studio just being actually built for art where photoshop wasn’t.




Hi, I posted a few times a while back and dropped off, but here’s some things. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been moving over to working digitally. I’m really starting to appreciate the versatility it gives you.

Most of my sketching is working towards various comics I want to draw, some I’ve made progress on, others I haven’t yet.



It’s been a while since I’ve posted about my output. I stalled on Art Nouveau Tinkerbell pretty hard because getting the backstitching accurate was a heavier cognitive burden than I realized. I usually work while watching something and I couldn’t do that while peering at the pattern trying to figure if it’s this hole the thread should come out of or the one adjacent.

It was getting pretty bad and frustrating since I like the activity normally and it felt like a massive block on doing it! I ended up forcing myself to start another, more straightforward pattern several months back and it’s more the pace I enjoy again.

It’ll look like nothing right now since there’s too much fragmentation and it’s oriented sideways (rotate it 90 degrees left). But in the end it’ll be a slightly abstract piece of a street at night during a rain.

EDIT: Ah ha, found the originating artist. It’s Leonid Afremov! But whether pattern is from someone inspired by or an actual one I could not tell you. Google search gets me the colour and general subject matter (the artist having a very narrow scope helps) but not the specific piece.


i deleted my twitter last week (yay! :sweat_smile:) and am now totally off all social media except messenger/facebook (would love to divorce my messenger from a facebook account but i don’t think i can do that without starting a new account) which is great but as a result i’ve lost my chief way of collating artists that i really like, so now i’m looking for another way to do that.

  • i fucking hate instagram with a passion, and i don’t want to interface with a god damned app.
  • i technically do still have an active tumblr, which i haven’t opened in years, but i’m a bit leery of the site after the weird puritanical purge. also it’s kinda too close to twitter in some ways.
  • i used to have a deviantart account way back in the before times of 2008, and that was well and good. i fell off using it once i grew up a little bit and found the account kinda cringey, so i deleted it, but i don’t remember the experience being too bad.
  • artstation is still around but that strikes me as being way more for professional big boy motherfuckers making portfolios n shit instead of idiots just kinda posting whatever.
  • pinterest is a fucking blight and u will catch me dead before i contribute to its crimes.
  • uhhhhh are there any others? idk.

anyway what are yall using? i feel like i’ve become so detached from the internet art scene since transitioning to games in 2015, i’d kinda like to get back to my roots.


I still use tumblr. It’s all right. But I didn’t do adult stuff and the porn ban seemed pretty predictable really so selfishly I suppose it didn’t bother me much. Hm I suppose there was a phase there where tumblr was robo-flagging some of my ancient and hilariously non-adult posts as adult but eh they sorted that out eventually.

I’m still on deviantART but it’s just more bother adding art there than via just about anything else.

oh how so? i don’t remember posting being an issue when i was there.

dA? Ah there’s just more stuff to fill out when posting something, it feels like. I dunno maybe I was overthinking it.

But also dA is like this is IMPORTANT it’s gonna be in your GALLERY it’s like a PERMANENT ART DISPLAY man (this may be another aspect of me overthinking it) whereas tumblr feels more like, just throw stuff up there, what the hey.

Oh yeah also people on dA keep giving me llama badges or something I don’t think I want; I see real llamas at the farm next to the park every other day, they’re actually real chilled out and don’t keep throwing themselves at me DEVIANTART. That is not what llamas do. = p

oh yeah that’s true hey. i fucken forgot about the god damn llama badges jesus christ. hm, sounds like tumblr is maybe a goer.

updated my webcomic


There are some sbers But do you Tumblr there : )

I dig that space ship : )

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i binged your comic last night and today, and i gotta say it’s some really good stuff


woah holy shit, that is a compliment. thank you!

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I dunno if I just had a moment of drawing clarity or if pulling out my decade old glasses made my hand more sure of things