Shadow of the Colossal European......s

Traveller that you entered this topic, be aware that we spoiler the hell out of the game that provides the template for this topic title.
i.e. we talk about the game Shadow of the Colossus, name drop train references far too often, and dive into different viewpoints regarding some tidbits, as well as core plot points.

original post, slightly redacted to make more sense:

Unfortunately, i neither do speak Portuguese, nor Polish, so take it with a grain of salt:
but yes, I think it really comes down to a different feeling for language (or rather, a different mindset about the vocabulary) that makes you want to work with a word, like changing its meaning, and feeling a bit puzzled(?) of ā€˜banningā€™ it from usage.

e. g.:
There are a few words that are definitely not en vogue in the german language, and it is interesting to see how germans try almost ridiculously hard to avoid using them, when foreigners just use them naturally without thinking, and itā€™s thatā€¦ how should i put itā€¦ untroubled(?) usage thatā€™s actually more natural soundingā€¦ but if you have been living your whole life working around using them, even when you encounter a situation where they fit, youā€™ll always feel like you want to educate people about not using them as well, and you easily start off looking like a busybody.

In that sense, if you are used to assume a more positive connotation of a term, it is naturally a bit puzzling at first when you encounter a group that wants to avoid using it, instead of talking openly about it. However, as soon as you start to understand their reasoning, it is easier to catch yourself before you are using it, and you are basically developing a better understanding for the ā€˜realā€™ usage of that language than you ever could than just learning by book.

so tl;dr-version, itā€™s OK to just go along with the recommendations given to you by native speakers, and if you pay close attention, youā€™ll even improve your understanding of their language!

(prime example in germany for a word that can make conversation awkward is the usage of the word "FĆ¼hrer" - which, sometimes, is OK to be used, e.g. for the train conductor (ZugfĆ¼hrer), but generally should be avoided (e. g. Team Leader := Teamleiter, instead of, say, TeamfĆ¼hrer (which is plain wrong))

n. b. guess what, i also do love language talk!


excellent, thanks!

until i will follow up my train of thoughtā€¦ owwwwwwwā€¦ hereā€™s a link with fantastic info about the Trans Yurop Express:

Do you live in Germany?
If soā€¦ we should definitely measure the distance between tour places, point right in the middle, and both take a train there. Or find a city that would take us both the same time to travel too by train.

Alsoā€¦ I think you got a bit confusedā€¦ or I got a bit confused. Maybe the confusion is general.
My sensitivity if not exactly with the words, like the example of slut. Both topic and title come from knowing (I think so) the meaning, and totally not agree with the pejorative meaning. Specially with the fact, as esk mentioned, it is almost always used on women (demanding the male counter part to add ā€œmanā€ before slut). So I wish to take it to me, itā€™s mine now. Iā€™ll carry the meaning and anyone trying to use the word inappropriately (not mentioning me)ā€¦ shall die by my hand. Or not cause Iā€™m not really violent.

But I seem to be withā€¦ expressing ideas that I often miss the ā€œfeelingā€ part.
I come out strong sometimes, people take I am being aggressive when, specially when I present a question usually to make a point. I really do that often because thatā€™s a bit how I think to myself. Always proposing the worst question to myself in my mind I guess.

Then it gets worst because, for the past 6 or 7 years I havenā€™t engaged in many conversations.
But I love them, specially about difficult subjects. Not like quantum physics (even if I keep waiting for toups senior to update his topic), but morally, emotionally, and philosophical subjects.

Not only in english tbh, in portuguese also happens a bit of the same. In fact I am terrible with language as a whole -__-. Even in portuguese classes I would almost always have evaluations 10/20, being my high point having a 12/20 with special classes outside school.

But my thing is not exactly language, but concepts (again philosophy). Philosophy tries to cristalize abstract concepts intoā€¦ words, through logic and analytic thinking. The basis of the human logic thinking is language, and logic thinking is the basis of philosophy.

So again and making full circle, both topic and title, are more of my own disagreement with the concept attached to the word (which is absolutely abstract)ā€¦ and yeahā€¦ I usually do this of trying to reset the word, leave it in pepper and salt, and try to cook it some time later. Conclusion is that is it a non-concept, because thereā€™s nothing wrong with anyone being promiscuous (if no hard is done to others). It would be amazing if the world could also see the uselessness of the word, but those things donā€™t happen with a snap of your fingers. I thought SB was relatively safe to start ā€œa way of thinkingā€.

Still, as Felix pointed to me, I was rude with esk. Or maybe I was more than rude, but thatā€™s exactly where I likeā€¦ tact, feeling.
I was taking the subject seriously, and I was a bit excited over being able to discuss it with someone that not only was from the gender that is almost singularly affected by the concept, but also someone that I have high regard for her intelligence. Unfortunatelyā€¦ I guess I start typing as think to myself with subjects like thisā€¦ and was rude.

Also, and just as a small side step, I am terrible, horrible, absolutely donā€™t know how to get myself into a casual talk. Iā€™ll either be a total clown, or stfu. Specially on subjects of pop cultureā€¦ I really suck at those -_-. So I end up being kinda sad howā€¦ the internets became more resistant to analytic discussions because of sensibilities, and more and more about casual talks. In RL is a bit different, but I end up not being too hot as well, and want to talk seriously about things.

As for listening to natives about pointers on how to better use their language, absolutely.
Even if I am terrible at languages, I donā€™t think thatā€™s excuse for not caring how to use them.
So yes, I try and will keep on trying to listen to advises (however they are fewer and fewer, dunno if it is because Iā€™m getting better or people simply donā€™t bother as much).

As for the rest, I also listened and actually going through a bit of depression over processing all that I discussed with felix (thatā€™s just how I process big stuff, and Iā€™m probably being rude and very mean with myself in my headā€¦ I BLAME THE CATHOLIC CHURCHā€¦ I also blame religion for the ending of Shadow of Colossus).

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ā€¦ thatā€™sā€¦ huge.
Sorry, I kinda said to myself when I started writing that I would write less than you so it wouldnā€™t seem like a flame war -____-.

Failed again.

Gotta go to work, and havenā€™t had the time to read all your thoughts yet, will catch up later this day. Still, just wanted to get this out there while my sleepy mind is still able to compute things in this partly sensible, partly comatose state:

Itā€™s OK, we all do have that
ā€“verbose feeling sometimes, and thatā€™s actually good - weā€™re human, and language is our primary IO protocolā€¦ , itā€™s just that the API is non-existent, or we do not have easy access to it, and wing it by learning from the exceptions. Better than installing a babelfish and - OK, that fish still would be cool tbh. Anyway!

Yeah, i am about to get to work, and my train of thought is already full steam aheadā€¦
ā€¦ You wouldnā€™t believe how easy it is to come up with train references in natural language, i have discovered much to my surprise over the last few days itt.

Follow-up later!

n.b. Poland sounds like a good place to meet, thatā€™s OK. Letā€™s do a mini-SB-Meetup 2018, alright!.. I refrain from making a hype-train reference for now :sunglasses:

So, finally had some time to catch up on all you put forth in this post, and add just a few things i wanted to say:

Yes, I actually did misunderstand what you wanted to say a bit, and that was due to sloppy reading on my side.
I also have, to go slightly OT, a guts feeling that this sloppiness of mine is due to the format of how i processed your post, i.e. since iā€™ve been reading it on my mobile phone, i tend to be on the go, or doing sth else at the moment, where the phone is just there instead of the tablet, Laptop or PC where i do take my time to read/post. So, since the Information intake is limited to a very narrow width, i tend to quickly progress and scan over a line, coupled with a general Multitasking attitude (e.g. cooking in parallel), and thus may miss key words/phrases, like i did totally miss SotC being mentioned :bangbang:!!! (five exclamation marks are a sure sign of a deaseased mind, yupp)
back on topic:
Idk how most users do their browsing, but i am sure about one thing - i will refrain from typing down long posts when i am on the phone, because 1) typing is a hassle in vertical orientation mode (and isnā€™t for me in landscape orientation mode, too much keycap-spacing) and 2) the danger of the input boy crashing away, even if it doesnā€™t happen here, is somewhere at the back of my mind, and restricts my readiness to commot to typing for, say, half an hour - also since i have to do corrective inputs every two to three words, but thatā€™s more related to #1) - - - so, after all, my assumption is that other people also do not want to type a 1000 word excerpt on the go, with a relatively useless interface-device, especially if they are prone to being interrupted and/or reserve some capacity for doing other things in parallel. => thatā€™s what i would give as a reason why people seemingly are engaging less in highly complex posts, and rather transitioned to a rather ā€œeasierā€ tone over the years.

Having a family to feed, job to attend to also takes away some of the enthusiasm oneā€™d have put into analyzing the timeline of, say, Ace Combat 4,5,6 to exactly determine when it will slot in, whether any references hidden in all released trailers are referring to characters turning up in later/earlier games etc.

ā€¦ and, last but not least, if you have known some posters for about a decade, thereā€™s less to inquire about, we do have drawn our killer7 lines, godhanded us our topX lists many a time, and nowadays, at least for me, it is getting more and more interesting to see how these lines are blurred, cornerstones are re-set, and people generally change, and - so i hope, or think - for the better.

Last but not least, times are changing, and so does society as well. Like, the 2008 financial crisis feels so far away now, or the state of the World during Clinton/Bush Jr (before 2001) feels rather great when comparing it to the mess that Trump or Putin have made of it - and this is, if we want to or not, reflected in the media we consume as well, but that is a topic thatā€™d need a laptop to properly type out, and a topic of its own, tbh!

And since lunch break is over soon, just let me add that i still didnā€™t address everything i wanted, and especially that SotC thing, iā€™ll try to come back to that later.

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Iā€™ll be waiting.

third timeā€™s the right time to get this done and over with:

three more things i wanted to follow up upon:

wording in languages:
if you look at the post youā€™ve made, would you say that it is a normal way of putting forth a question in your native language? because in the dialect iā€™ve grown up with, we tend to shorten questions up to the point where we only use one word, and that can come across as quite unfriendly, when it is OK in my home region, you know that it depends on the context, intonation and also the relstionship to the person you are talking to - if you are not used to that, you only have one word to go by, and thatā€™s almost guaranteed to fall on the wrong side for every person that doesnā€™t know about it.
So, almost without noticing, I started to add tiny phrases around sentences which convey more context what i am on about, albeit breaking the established rules of grammar in the process - having to do five years latin didnā€™t improve that as well, but thatā€™s just me. In any case, i caught myself doing that when i went back to my hometown and talking with my family, although it is basically not necessary since weā€™ve known each other a long, long timeā€¦

so, tl;dr, maybe it is just a few words which are missing to get your point across without coming off as unfriendly or causing misunderstandingsā€¦ although, tbh, if we could do away with any misunderstandings, the famous babel tower story would be a useless fanfic, and whoā€™d love to be responsible for doing thatā€¦

Bonus content:
what also may have changed my way of thinking about usage of languages generally is the german/french co-op TV-station arte, which has e. g. a brilliant show (karambolage) that points out differences - e. g. in language, behaviour, cultural context et al - between us neighbours, and often you are left baffled how different we can be when it comes to the most basic things, or how ambiguous the difference can be, when we are almost likeminded in one regard, but then thereā€™s just that tiny detail that marks you out as german or french, even though youā€™d never think so. if there would be an english channel version, i would instantly reroute everyone thereā€¦ gone OT again, sorry!

Philosophical thinking:
i am lacking any serious insight into this topic, so the best i can do there is to admit that i am not well-versed there, and i would consider not using my native language being a major handicap that i wouldnā€™t be able to overcome without talking to s.o. in person, or being even more - -verbose than any sane person would be able to tolerate.

last but not least: Shadow of the colossus.
i really would like to hear what you did think of when writing that Statement, feel free to be as verbose as you want to!
(any reason to talk about SotC is a good reason, yes!)

yesesā€¦ huge posts posts.

I rather understand, and kinda see it in my choice of words. As I mentioned to Felix when he explained to me in a muchā€¦ tighter way (uuuuh, feeling so kinky saying it). However I liked you way of explaining it a bit more, your verbose makes me more comfortable reading and replying, as Felix way feels moreā€¦ non-friendly (not unfriendly, just more compact which I see as a norm for people who deal with code a lot, even if they are very active readers to separate monkey language from peopleā€™s language, and I still love you with a big chunk of the male love I have to give).

But it is rather unrealistic for a guy like me, who is not a child (for reasons of brain being a sponge), to change over night. I kinda understand the principle, and I always try to look if it would hurt me (donā€™t do to other what you wouldnā€™t like to be done at you - I think it is a rather nice rule of thumb). Butā€¦ feeling it, specially when Iā€™m getting a bit over excited (not mad, I was actually excited about discussing the subject in a mature way)ā€¦ I pretty much lose most of my compass on ā€œwording sensibilityā€.

Like I also mentioned to Felix, if I was being aggressive, I would go full verbose and say something very approximate to the description he wrote (I get very verbose when being aggressive, nervous, or excited, but very short on making a point much like a ā€œcheck mateā€ on a friendly game of chessā€¦ but using logic).

But changing aspects of my personality, or details of it, to accommodate and easy conversations with others is not something Iā€™m a stranger about. Done it and been doing it for many years (strange enough, the more I doā€¦ less friends I have, but I blame my own seclusion tended personality). And I donā€™t intent to stop any time soon (I would even like to start writing a thing or two for my own purposes that I want other to read and not bleed from their eyes).

Still, discussing it and reading about it probably is helping me much more than just going around the forum, read what people right, and try to guess and fail miserably (like I did on that instance right there).

That show must be really interesting, specially for member of 2 cultures that have so much in common on their historical origins. I have also heard about those ā€œuncomfortable wordsā€ in german from various german people I met through my life, and specially in barcelona (I DO NOT know german, again languages are not my thing, it is actually pretty painful for me to learn them).
That is actually a subject that is mentioned by germany natives much more often than one would think. I always felt a bit of a sense of cultural lost when they mentioned, even with you (a tiny bit). That makes me a bit sad specially now that I live in central europe and understand how cultural heritage is hugely important. Even in peopleā€™s daily lives to a surprisingly moderate degree.
Stillā€¦ languages are alive, and words live and die.

Weā€™ve pretty much been doing it here tbh. I like to believe that we taken this change to discuss the concept of ā€œwording sensibility on todayā€™s infrawebsā€ or just ā€œā€¦ todayā€™s SBā€.
Itā€™s a rather low level (in terms of pure abstract philosophical thinking), and it is from my part a gross over-simplification of what a philosophical discussion is, but it is still there and it is usually done when discussing abstract concepts without turning into a flame war (I guess even small jabs are allowedā€¦ maybeā€¦ again humans relations -_-).
Which is the big reason why I simply donā€™t stop replying becauseā€¦ Iā€™m rather excited about it.

Fun with itā€¦ sure. I think people overuse that term too much these days. I think that many times thatā€™s just simplifying, or even wrongly naming, other forms of pleasure. Or just pleasure itselfā€¦ as if it was wrong naming it that way. Probably is.
Specially in video games, reviewers can write a huge post on their feeling about the game, but then it comes to get out of an overly description of how you felt, and cornering the term, they end up saying ā€œitā€™s funā€.

That usually throws me off from a video game. SERIOUSLY.
I want something else beyond just a childish feeling of fun.
But that would again theme for another topic, because how I deny the existence of good and evil (not good and bad which can be applied to physical things likeā€¦ a tableā€™s design), ā€œreducingā€ those to ā€œpleasure and pain for fools who canā€™t think for themselves, like religionā€ (not believe).

In thatā€¦ train of thought =Dā€¦ we can enter SofC.

I actually came to SB1 all mad and shouting when I finished SotC.

I got the same old stuff: ā€œhow can the main character be a good guy if he is willing to kill those amazing beautiful creaturesā€.
Since I played the game years after it came out (mid PS3 gen), and I purposely kept myself away from anything that was descriptive of the game, I guess I came out with a different opinion.

Just a small side step, I didnā€™t played ICO before I played SotC.

First thing the ā€œkillingā€ of the creatures. Were we?
Probably yes, but I didnā€™t see it that way when I was playing. Saw the colossi more like huge automatons that had pieces of ā€œenergyā€ that were sealing a god-like entity. Likeā€¦ just because they have a face doesnā€™t mean they are alive, buildings can also have them.
Always thought it was a pretty big jump to assume that the entity, or the protagonist, were evil because the game was happening to save someone the protagonist obviously loved. Under that POV the he was destroying some pretty amazingā€¦ ā€œconstructionsā€. I consider the destruction of cultural marks not good. But far from how bad it is taking a life.

But that girl died. HER DEATH is where I was focused.
I canā€™t shake the feeling that she died ā€œunfairlyā€. In a way that the protagonist couldnā€™t come to terms with, in any imaginable way. It always seemed to me that her death was for the protagonist something that should not happen.

Likeā€¦ if she died from sickness, if she died slipping in the bathroom and hitting the head on a bidet, I do believe the game wouldnā€™t have existed. As far as my experience goes, people go through that kind of rejection over someoneā€™s death, mostly when that person is killed (maybe Iā€™m coloring it because my father was a detective since I was born, and I grew up hearing to him telling stories about his work to his friends over a glass of wine). If we established she was killed, then the question ā€œby whoā€ arises?

Leaving that for a moment, because the game is not known for giving away everything at every given time, I kill all the colossi and enter the final part of the game (I wasnā€™t mad till then).

Eventually ā€œtheyā€ shows up.
I assumed, the incoming group were part of his people from his village/settlement/town. One of them in richer garments, and with authority to say what was good and evil.
That character immediately seemed to me as a religious leader, not exactly an exclusively political one, but probably both.

Nowā€¦ when I see a rich-er guy calling things good and evil, it really triggers me.
Maybe it is because portugal is a pretty religious country. In a quick pass through, inquisition were their worst in iberic peninsula (NOT JUST SPAIN, I donā€™t even recognise spain under the context of multiple languages and territories of the peninsula), but smaller countries really had it hard in comparison withā€¦ lets say germany and poland who could actually overthrow rome in a week (military, and after getting there). One small example of this is how many more historical artefacts of paganism exists in the central europe area, compared to the southern countries. That system of believe was as wide spread in the south (not much proof of the contrary), but it was persecuted to the point of eliminating almost all proof of existence, because there was no fear of military consequence (or so goes what ā€œtheyā€ say).

So immediately I thought:
ā€œThat guy (rich dude) did itā€¦ some sacrificial death of sorts. I would be as mad and as dedicated to right that wrong as this guy (protagonist) would. SPECIALLY over someone I loveā€.
Those actions could not only resurrect her, but definitely would break the taboo of the guilty. One stone, two birds.

Finally I arrive to the final part of the gameā€¦ and the ā€œevilā€ is released and absorbed by the main character.
I also canā€™t shake the feeling that on that exact point in the gameā€¦ the creature we control is neither the entity nor the character completely (mind/soul fusion thingie). I guess that was reinforced in me by the fact that you canā€™t properly control the huge shadow beast. As if the main character was being emotional, strongly emotional, and wanted to kill the guilty for revenge (not a good thing, mind you). These strong human emotions were keeping the ā€œevilā€ā€™s mind at bay, not giving it full control over the body. To my opinion, the entity just wanted to get out of there so the religious zealots couldnā€™t catch/seal it again.

Then the ending of the game happens, and the girl lives.

Soā€¦ The ā€œevilā€ā€¦ even after itā€™s objectives were completely destroyed, it still keeps itā€™s word.
The agreement was ā€œdestroy the colossi, and the girl will liveā€ and not ā€œmake me free and the girl will liveā€.

Right there, on that point of the story, the main character no longer existed. The zealots were far away without any means to get in, and the Evil was sealed again. The Evil had nothing to gain from resurrecting the girlā€¦ yet he did.

Not lying goes a very, VERY, VERY, VERY long way in my book to like a person (jokes, mockingly lies, overall jerking around with lies is acceptableā€¦ but this was not the case). Some would say it is the base of trust.
If I couldnā€™t think of the entity as ā€œevilā€ before, and pictured the religious/military men (I donā€™t think a patriarchal reference in here would be totally lost, even if not on purpose) as just a bunch of monkey who decide good and evil for their own purposes. From that point onward I simply couldnā€™t, till this day, believe in any other interpretation (slight deviations allowed) from the story.

The game had finished, the ending was out there. Then came those 15 minutes of madness around my rented room, in a house with 6 people living, at the center of barcelona, before I posted on SB1.

So that rich dude who thinks to have the authority to tell everyone else what is evil and good, what is wrong and right, killed the girl (BAD). He triggered such strong dedication, perseverance, and strength on a single individual (protag) motivated by love, that instead of going after him for revenge (rich dude, also his friends who were probably more than 16), went in the desperate quest of destroying 16 beautiful automatons, divine constructions (but killing creatures that are not fully sapient also fits here), to ā€œsolve the problemā€ of her death. I find this ability of focus on solving the problem, constructing over the destruction, very admirable and human.

In the end the protagonist is so beaten, so much ā€œinfectedā€ that only pity and admiration comes out of me for his sacrifice for the task (hanging on edges is HARD on yourā€¦ index left finger? maybe right).
In the end, those same dudes who say they know everything kill the protagonist. Maybe not his soul and body, but since I donā€™t believe in that, and they did destroyed his gathered knowledge and life experiencesā€¦ to me is killing.

I cried.

I cried so much. I was mad at those bastards that in the end run away and were allowed to keep living and doing idiotic stuff like that.
I cried over the protagonist not deserving none of that fate prior to the game, and still being human enough not to pursue revenge (till they came again to bother him) but instead to react pursuing a way of ā€œlifeā€, and to restore it.
He sacrificed himself in every imaginable way (if you believe in soul, even that, but it makes harder for me to believing that ā€œheā€ ended there, and those were the final moments of his life), and he couldnā€™t enjoy the company of his loveā€¦ for even one second.

And that is pretty much how the game makes me SO MAD every time I play it, and how I canā€™t feel sorry and wooshie over the colossi ā€œdyingā€. The human drama involving the main character (in my head) is far greater than an aesthetic reaction to scale, with a face.

Playing ICO afterwards didnā€™t changed my opinion at all, in fact reinforced it.

Shame is that everything I read from the authors after that, that didnā€™t went with my interpretation, I wasnā€™t able to properly digest.
Always felt like ā€œthey are saying what the public wants to hear because thatā€™s their responsibilityā€. Specially because many of those interviews (if not the smashing majority) came after public opinions were formed.
The hype over ā€œpoor dead colossiā€ over the internet was too great for them to say anything else (imo).

BTW, @SUPERSONNICK, how the bleeding hell do you get to do those beautiful huge blank spaces on your posts?
Iā€™ve been trying to get those for the longest of times and I am never able to do them >_<.

dudeā€¦ we should write a book.

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had to switch to PC, because I cannot see me spending so much time correcting every second or third word for the following text, so in a bizarre twist of fate, SONNICK comes to the rescue of SUPERSONNICK, who is, for the record, too fast for software-keyboard input, so slo-mo sonnick takes over now:

top-secret spacer technique tipp:
opening angular bracket, br, closing angular bracket, and it should look like this (without the blanks, or you wouldnā€™t see anything)
< br >
i like using manual paragraph spacing for improving readability, feel free to spread the word!

re spreading the word: i'd like to answer to the SotC-bit in particular in King of Posters, to keep a record for when I come back to the notions I've had, because in a few years' time, a lot changes and you see things differently ... however, since I do not know whether you want to keep it in the axe, pruning of personal things et al, I will reply in a second post here, and move it to KoP only if you are fine with it.

(btw, I though i had dropped a short version of my SotC-impression in the officialā„¢ SotC-topic, but just saw I didnā€™t do so, and neither did i do so in the Last Guardian topic, much to my surprise.)

on to the real deal then:
itā€™s OK if it takes time to change! thatā€™s what I find so fascinating about being, it is looking back to where you came from, remembering what you did see and experience, and wondering where you will be in the future ā€¦ it does give you an indication how you, as a person, have evolved, instead of being a NPC that is stuck in time, or rather doomed to be frozen in time, forever being a static personality that other actors around him will know all too well after a while, until they get so sick of him that they arenā€™t talking to each other anymore (that sounds like a good idea for an RPG, but i am sure that someone already did a take on this).

Whether changing your behaviour has driven some friends away - idk, iā€™d say that it is a thing of getting older and being more focused on relationships, where people seem to disappear suddenly, only to surface a few years later again?
Of course, your gf would know best if you are a more rounded, nicer/more approachable person, and if she can agree to that with confidence, itā€™s probably true, so ā€¦ in best SB-fashion, hereā€™s my hot take: if you are trying to be a better person and friends leave after a while, time to get some new friends!
(j/k, but with every joke, thereā€™s some grain of truth hidden inside thereā€¦ if e.g. toxic ā€œfriendsā€ only like you when youā€™re being toxic or overly cynical, better start gettinā€™ out of there sooner than later).

ā€¦ anyway, before i go too far off the tracks, time to get this train movinā€™ again!
tl;dr version is keep on working on it, even if it is just a tiny bit, improving or learning is worth it, and if you enjoy it, hey, what better way can there be?

regarding the usage of the word ā€œfunā€:
i love the slogan of natsume (are they still using it these days?), which goes ā€œserious funā€.
the obvious synonym to use instead of fun is obviously - joy.
Talking about the fine and subtle nuances/differences between joy and fun is for another topic, I agree ā€¦

last, but not least ā€¦
you know what? ā€¦ just for fun, I went to the website of arte, and looked for other languages, and would you believe it:

no geo-blocking, and spanish subs (from the looks of it, only checked one vid tbh!) - thereā€™s a whole world out there for you to explore. Have fun!

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I actually didnā€™t knew this user was also you Oo.

HTML >_____>


Forgot about that oneā€¦
I would also like to use that for the same purposeā€¦ I understand my posts are really aesthetically unpleasing.

And I really hope I wonā€™t stop changing. I have beenā€¦ on a real low this last 3 or 4 years, but I recently decided to get back on the tracks (traaaaaaaaaaains) so I also came back here.
Been wondering a bit if it was a mistake, but Iā€™ll do what I always do. Keep on trying.

Those videos are hugely fun. Only saw did a quick viewing for a couple of them, but Iā€™ll be watching them with Kasia once she gets home. Thatā€™s totally up her liking.

About SofC, I donā€™t have any problem if you quote that text, or simply paste it.
Waitā€¦ noā€¦ I should paste it. Just point me where ->
But tbh, I do feel a bit uncomfortable because Iā€™m terribly insecure of how I write (or even what I write now).
Could I at leastā€¦ clean the text to the extent of my capabilities?
Thereā€™s even sentences there that arenā€™t finished -____-.
Writing tires me a lot, I had to lie on the sofa for 15min after that post.

Could I get another (corrected, not changedā€¦ unless thereā€™s something terrible written there) version tomorrow?

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sure, i wonā€™t get around to reply before tomorrow anyway, but donā€™t feel burdened to do it, i can also reply here.

n. b.:
thereā€™s a reason why thereā€™s the term ā€˜train of thoughtā€™ ā€¦ geezā€¦ i think those train references are slowly but surely derailing, i. e. becoming a glorious trainwreckā€¦ yeahā€¦ that was a long time in the coming, but i would do it again.

fun fact: in german, 'aggro' is a colloquial abbreviation for aggressiv, so it is kinda fun to hear wander calling his horse aggro in SotC. What an amusing twist of fate then that i do dislike the colossi, which are openly hostile, a teensy bit. . .. and it gets even better, wait a second: in korean, the term ģ•„ģ“źµ¬ (read: aigoo, aigo or aigu, depending on dialect or translation) is used to exclaim 'oh dear', 'oh no' or 'oh my', e.g. when sth bad happens, or if you meet someone you haven't seen for a while, and you want tonexpress your surprise... so... i wonder if wander exlaims 'aigoo agro' , and whether anyone owning an aygo

in Korea exclaims ā€˜aigoo aygoā€™.

ā€¦ time to go to bed, i agree.

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so, finally (as in: this train (of thought) is reaching its final destination) on to the topic of Shadow of the Colossus, a game which I am quite fond of.

Thus I thought about how i want to approach talking about it, should I explain where I am coming from, should I give my two cents about the very interesting interpretation you offered for this game, or should i just say a few words and be done with it?

=> the tl;dr-version up front: Wow, thanks for this take on this story!

If I am not mistaken, or have a serious case of amnesia, I have read this kind of interpretation for the first time, and I have seen quite a few takes on the game/its background. So, in essence, this is a first for me.
I like how different it sounds, and surely must have felt, experiencing it like this, playing it for the first time.

I have been lucky enough to have the crazy idea to speedrun this game long before i found out that it is en vogue to do this with games, and (kinda) live-blogged* it on SB 1.0 - and while doing that, I managed to experience this story for a second time, with a different feeling to it that I personally stored it as a ā€œsecond first time experiencing this gameā€.
So, it is quite fascinating for me to see that thereā€™s at least a third way of how this story can unfold, or be experienced.

For ~ a decade, I've been approaching this game from the point of view of a tragedy (i.e. a work of the category, somewhat following the ideas outlined by Aristotle's classification as part of the "genre" drama, see here:

). We have a nameless hero (protagonist, but Iā€™ll stick with the term hero), an easy-to-explain extraordinary situation, a clear-cut goal, mysterious elements (unknown strech of land, an omnious deity-esque voice talking to the hero from the heavens (or hell!), a chain of events triggered and driven by the heroā€™s actions, a narrative that inevitably reach a showdown and then thereā€™s a reversal of fortune (imho, from good to bad, but more on that later).

If you ask yourself the question now ā€œbut IS it a true and proper trageday/drama?ā€ I can only answer ā€œWhat do I know, I am a computer scientist!ā€ :wink: This approach provides a nice canvas to pinpoint plot-points provided by the game, the setting of the game can be nicely categorized ā€¦ so maybe thatā€™s why i like it so much?

Now, immediately I caught myself trying to take your interpretation and pinpoint it along the ā€œestablishedā€ path that I have constructed for myself, but stopped right there - it feels to me like you are coming from a different starting point, and what would the benefit of that be if i try to clamp my structure on top of that?

Alas, just let me talk about some thoughts:

  • Colossi as vessels for deity:
    Interesting take - i did never not consider them being living beings, but it absolutely makes sense to see them as automatons powered or driven by the power source that just so happens to be a slice of an entity that you seek to free.
    Technically speaking, one of the things that did impress me about the game in general was the behavior of the colossi, which has been a technical marvel for the PS2 era. Since there are only 16 of them,
    and the game basically exclusively focuses on them story-wise, thatā€™s technically also structuring the game for the player ā€¦ so, not that surprising that this worked for me as well:
    For the first eight colossi, there is a healthy mix of observant, wily or aggressive traits, but from the halfway point onward, i felt that their hostility increased, and it became a ā€˜me-or-youā€™ battle royal for survival ā€¦ the only exception being the majestic, floating 13th colossi.
    So, if you think of them as sentient beings, I guess itā€™s only natural that a lot of the discussion has focused on whether it is OK to kill them (n.b.: can you ā€œkillā€ inanimate things? the right wording here should probably be disable or deactivate), and, at least in the case of the second or thirteenth colossus, I do feel for those ā€œpoor creaturesā€, since I felt like the aggressor in the encounter.

  • The role of the unnamed group of people chasing you:
    This also ties in neatly into how the game is structured - the framing plot-device of the game is their journey to reach the central cathedral/tower/castle(?) of the game, which functions as the hub-world for your quest. Until they arrive at their destination, you are not sure what they want to do when they arrive - of course, there is some foreshadowing, iirc some exposition about the forbidden land, and maybe also the sword? Still, the conflict between them and the hero unfolds only when they see the hero, or rather what has become of him - and through their attempt to kill him, they actually trigger the catastrophe that gives birth to the creature that iirc is called Dormin.
    The fact that Dormin is keeping his (her? its?) word, i.e. the girl is resurrected, is something that I would have attributed to its deity-esque status, i.e. a deity may appear to be cruel to the individuum, but sticks to an understandable (more abstract?) concept of ā€œfairnessā€.

so far, so good ā€¦ maybe a part 2 will follow, let me think a bit about the other aspects.

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More than proper tragedy, it is classical.

Some personal history of "academic background"

I had to study classical philosophy in various semesters. Canā€™t remember if it was the aesthetics class or another with a complex meaningless name. Not the pop reference of aesthetics, but academical, asā€¦ a study on which emotional and physical reactions a work ofā€¦ human creation provoke on people. Which is why I tend not to label them good or bad, and how something usually ā€œoffensiveā€ I usually take as an ā€œeye openerā€. SPECIALLY in any form of artistic expression. I am very serious on thisā€¦ none should be quieted, all should be considered, interpreted and thought upon, even if to structure and sharpen our disagreement.

BTW, the teacher was great. A spanish philosophy teacher, woman, which is relevant because most of those so called ā€œeducatedā€ college students treated her pretty bad. Many times than not xenophobic in chauvinistic ways (and not only male studentsā€¦ those would probably be less open about it over shame). She was ratherā€¦ the leftist, and giving college classes on the ā€œCatholic University of Portoā€ (see the irony?).
She was good. Really good.
She then told me in one of our private conversation that she lived in Jerusalem in the 70ā€™s (maybe?) while it was being bombarded. She then continued to describe how she felt living there, to a point that almost took me to shed tears.
She is one of my personal idols/heroes, canā€™t find the word for it now.
One of the last things she said to me was ā€œnever stop being curious, never stop questioningā€.
Another was my Art History teacher in high-school, and she also said some final words of ā€œnever stop movingā€.

I feel I failed both for the past few years.

I also had to read Socrates and Platoā€™s take on subject (Plato is a rule obsessed asshole, Socrates doesnā€™t really know what he wants). And I also agree that Aristotle not only was the best to define the classical term, but it is also easier to take as cannon.

SofC is indeed a very classical tragedy, even the definition of the ā€œheroā€ itself.

Hercules or Ulisses (lets go to the easy/lazy ones), was not Superman (so easy).
He was not beyond judgementā€¦ lolā€¦ by any means.
Apply the term ā€œHeroā€ to the character of SotC is also very correct in classical terms, as far as my knowledge goes. He checks all the boxes, specially to the morally ambiguity of the character (which honestly, I think video games are losing it more and more over openly morally flawed characters, or simply garden-variety-bland-unoffensive-even-infantalised-characters, which eliminates the ā€œambiguityā€ from the equation which was meant to make the ā€œpublicā€ think twice on their own, and on their lives).

The term, over the past century, has been going over a deep change of meaning over the US mythology (super-heroes). In short, and on a personal take only, changed into a moral absolute that you should look upon. I also think the majority of character creation now suffers from having that imposed on them. I, also personally, think thatā€™s just a consequence of the consumption of ā€œidolsā€ thatā€™s been growing the past century (Andy Warhol was so on the spot that I hate him).

Now to your points:

  • Part of Dorminā€™s soul inside the colossusā€¦ now thatā€™s something I didnā€™t even remember. Indeed feels more like it, and that the ā€œlifeā€ in the colossi was nothing more than a program of structural defence to preserve that piece in chains. That is a nice take that feels familiar, but I couldnā€™t exactly corner it. So yesā€¦ killing becomes even more questionable and ambiguous once we start trying pursue the definition of life. Is a program that has a priority of self preservation alive? (too simple of a question, almost disney-ish, but if we wish to get that train rolling is as good as a starting place as any).

  • Templeā€¦ maybe sanctuary, but the second also has the sense of security, which is ok from the heroā€™s POV, but not so much for ā€œthe zealot bastardsā€. You are right, before they arrive thereā€™s only those references to what is happening, and already saying ā€œthe hero is wrongā€. I guess that really was a punch in my face because I am trying to save a person I love. Also your take on Dormin is in fact a better one, and more into accord to how I see it. It is irrelevant if the entity is good or evil. Itā€™s just there, has itā€™s own set of rules and way to look at the world, that our minds canā€™t even comprehend. Moralityā€¦ good and evilā€¦ pain and pleasureā€¦ all those would be meaningless to it. It also goes more into accordance to a more oriental system of believe, of not opposition of poles, but as the poles being one and the same and beyond our comprehension. You will excuse me for taking your take on this for myself, but that really puts all the responsibility of what happens, entirely on the human characters. We can be very careful to not step on ants, and the ants must feel it is unfair we step on them, but there it is (yes, comparing humans to antsā€¦ call me loki or something, couldnā€™t think a better example than Avengers >_<).

Iā€™ll wait attentively for more of this =).
I justā€¦ wellā€¦ you know, a person says something, that gives your stuff to sayā€¦ so all good because in a forum you donā€™t talk over each other, and one can pick linearity of thought from any point in time/the_text.

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Ok, I think it is betterā€¦ I really feel I am horrible with this stuff:

The main text has been changed, keeping the link for purposes ofā€¦ ermā€¦ correctness or something.

Soā€¦ should we move along and finally let this thread die?
I know it has all that stuff up above, and Iā€™m not sure everyone would like it to go public.
But Iā€¦ am starting to feel really comfortable here (which I also heard can be a bad thing).

part II:

  • the role of the girl:
    The fact that our hero is willing to venture into an unknown and dangerous land, ready to make a pact with an ambiguous (at best), unknown entity, when Dorminā€™s end of the bargain is a vague promise that she may be resurrected - this led me to believe that she must have suffered a tragic death, but considering that she looks ā€¦ unharmed(?), I assume that it may have been an illness. Still, it mustā€™ve been grave enough that he is willing to wager his life - so yeah, that wasnā€™t a calm death, I agree. Whatā€™s more, this is also a brilliant way to make the player step into the shoes of our hero, because we all can relate to how it feels to lose someone you hold dear ā€¦

    Anyway, part of the tragedy in the context of the story is that whatever remained of the conscience of our hero in the resurrected ā€¦ beast(?), he didnā€™t get to experience her resurrection, a thing that made me a bit cross and sad, yet at least gave me some sort of relief, since the results of our heroā€™s actions outlived himselfā€¦ sth which otoh shows that this game worked perfectly in terms of providing some sort of catharsis.

  • a few more thoughts about our hero:
    if you consider that even in the last moments before he is killed by one of the soldiers of the sage, heā€™s stretching his arm in the direction of the altar where he placed the girl, and even when heā€™s about to be sealed away, the player is given some means of control to struggle to stay in the nave - not knowing that, in the end, his struggle will prove to be futileā€¦ those are some of the strongest moments in the game, i think.

    In hindsight, it is also a bit scary to see what unconditional love can make him (or you, as his proxy guardian) do.
    Whether the hero, or Dormin, is being reborn as the baby is left open to our interpretation - imo, I always saw it as Wander being reborn, but that may be due to me wishing for some sort of catharsis (or, again, justice for poor olā€™ us). Even when considering that the baby is being taken in by the girl, it is questionable whether this rebirth is in the long run a blessing or curse (we all do know that the horns are comparable to some sort of stigma, considering what weā€™ve seen in Ico) - nowadays, i like to think about this more from a pov of spiritual concepts that I attribute to asian culture (rebirth, paying for sins youā€™ve committed in an earlier incarnation).

ā€¦ so far, so good, part III to follow tomorrow, I think.

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3rd strike:

  • Regarding the strong feelings you had when finishing this game:
    I would say thatā€™s as justified as any interpretation of the game.
    I agree that Dormin has kept his word and fulfilled his end of the bargain, whereas the sage&his guards ā€œonlyā€ turn up to kill the hero, sealing away the resurrected Dormin, leaving the girl deliberately behind (come to think of it, they probably didnā€™t realize she was resurrected, since she woke up after they left iirc? ā€¦ no/yes? ā€¦ guess itā€™s time to add another +1 to my playthrough-count :sunglasses: ā€¦), and escaping while the sole path out of this barren landscape is closed off forever(?).
    The fact that you then felt such strong feelings about this game underlines that, imho, this game worked as least as good for you as for anyone else that enjoyed it in a way that seems to resemble more the ā€œofficialā„¢ā€ interpretationā€¦ in the end, Iā€™d see that also as some kind of catharsis, i.e. meaning that you could experience such pure emotions in a ā€œcontrolledā€ environment - i assume that not many games managed to make you feel as intensely as SotC did?

  • regarding the public perception of poor dead colossi vs. those bastards which were allowed to run:
    i touched upon it shortly in the upper post, since each colossus does show some traits that are reflected in their behavior, we are led to believe/interpret them being ā€œaliveā€ - kind of in the same way as we donā€™t look at pets in terms of a state machine with finite transitions, but more of a ā€¦ mysterious(?) being that ā€œhas its own mindā€, and with the owners being happy when/if the pet behaves in a way they expect. Thus I would say that the game did its job if people think about their actions, instead of just putting another x into a check-box on their way through a theme park ride ā€¦ and I also was quite surprised about the amount of discussion back then whether it is OK to kill the colossi or not (iirc, one of the toupses stopped playing the game since he couldnā€™t justify killing them?), since I wouldnā€™t have expected that players would question their actions so critically - otoh, thatā€™s what I liked about the game even back then, namely that you had to commit to doing what was asked of you, you couldnā€™t just kill one of them by accident, you had to work for it, i.e. really want to do it. OK ā€¦ before I go off and do more unrelated rambling about things in this game, time to tying up some loose ends here, in a kind of tl;dr-way:

    OK then, this game ā€¦ different motives, clashing interests, a conflict that is resolved in a (tragic) way with one side inevitably forced to lose out ā€¦ and, as Iā€™ve now learned, leaving enough room for a totally different interpretation. Just writing about it makes me wanna play it again!

re: Iā€™ll touch upon the other aspects (our hero, modern times etc.) in the ā€œrealā€ sotc-topic, i.e. here

and we can then let this topic ā€¦ train ā€¦ run its course.

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iā€™d differentiate between being comfortable, and getting lazy ā€¦ you wouldnā€™t move places just because you feel comfortable at home, but if you stopped caring entirely, like, becoming a hikkikomori, then itā€™d be time to move ā€¦ just my 2 cents ā€¦

and lest not forget:
sorry If i come across as a busy-body itt, itā€™s rare that I stick around to reply to other peopleā€™s posts in such long-winded attempts/split across three or more posts. Iā€™ll try to think a bit more about what I want to say, and then keep it a bit shorter, to increase the signal:noise ratio ā€¦

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