semi-annual Final Fantasy binge/purge

Also, it was being developed by Level-5 who had some experience with developing action RPGs at that point and it probably would’ve been pretty rad, so I’m still mad about that.

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yeah dragon quest ix as it is is pretty much the only one i don’t like, and i can’t help but wonder what it would have been like the other way


fun thing about 4 is that the party roles are way closer to wizardry / D&D / MMOs than they are to later final fantasy games – your physical defenders are not also your best attackers – which I thought was sort of neat as a kid and which the series clearly had no interest in revisiting.

also, the pacing is silly and the cast is big and they inflict Circumstance on you a lot more often than the other titles do, it’s a good combination of being challenging and also sort of being on autopilot. IX does this too and IX being my favourite is probably closely tied to my having played IV first, even though I also think the writing in IX is just head and shoulders above the rest


Had to do it to ‘em

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it’s interesting to me that they are kind of teasing this for xii as well. i wonder if it will actually turn out significantly different this time or if they will just walk it back more.

they did manage to move past the invisible random encounters trope for xi so it seems some change is possible in the world of dragon quest. i am still kind of morbidly curious to see what they consider to be a more ‘adult’ dragon quest plot though.

pretend this post is a desaturated picture of a DQ protag looking towards the camera and saying “i’m here to kill chaos”


yeah i think the funniest possible outcome (which makes it the most likely) is that they will incorporate extremely rudimentary, fable-level choice-based morality system and act like they invented it


if you added that, wouldn’t it just be the actual plot of ffviii?

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iirc 9 did this?


yeah no invisible random battles in dq for 10+ years at this point

(think some dq monsters stuff before 9 also maybe got rid too?)

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You’re right! I played so much of that but totally forgot that aspect of it. It feels better integrated in 11 but maybe just because grinding is way more optional in that

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I never got around to finishing my FF8 thread, but my last post was going to be about how time compression (as depicted in the ending cutscene) is an astoundingly literal realization of the exact depressive anxieties Squall expresses throughout the game.

(I also was going to talk about the excellent architecture and decor of Akumajou Ultimecia.)


unrelated to this, I just want to be vain for a second and mention one of my favourite series of posts I’ve ever made, which I go back to now and then


really love browsing this site on my phone, where the trash can icon is right where my thumb meets the screen to scroll, and posts get deleted forever because you hit the undo button in 3 seconds instead of 2.

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have i missed sth, or why are ye all postin’ 100+ Nomura Fanboy Gamefaq tutorial lifejournal myspaces here? And where are the hot dogs in dis balamb garden, aye!


Bouncer 2
Driving Emotion Type S2

all in the same engine, plllleaaaassseeee…

That’s not how you spell RacIIng Lagoon



you can undo before you navigate away! or should be able to

nope! :frowning: