SelectButton Teaches Typing

i learned to type in talkcity chat rooms

Yeah the thing with my hand is that i have really huge palms and really thick fingers, but then my fingers are actually kinda short, so I have no idea if I even could design a keyboard that would work perfectly. Mostly, this just means that I am sure anyone seeing how I type that actually cared would be disgusted by it, hahaha.

let the keyboard disqualify you before you disqualify the keyboard.

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i made one of my last jobs buy me this fancy keyboard with, i think it was, cherry mx brown switches, just so everybody had to hear me typing loud all day. it was like, $150.


Oh yeah, I use on with Blues at work and IDGAF.

you can’t surf the net without right 'board, bro.

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well i just found out the fastest typist in the world ALSO only uses capslock instead of shift so I’m doing it right


who the hell would ever use shift over caps lock? that’s goofy.

do chromebooks still not have capslock? theyre trying to slow you down man

more news from fastest typist: do whatever the hell you want with your pinkies

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My left pinkie just defaults to being on the left shift so I use it all the time.

Impossible for me to know how much my typing style is influenced by my back-brain wanting my fingers to rest on WASD


is there a longer word than stewardesses that you type with one hand

this method may be difficult to diy for something like typing, but if you cannot conquer your overactive thumbs with pure attention there’s always

i mean you don’t need neurological regrowth but… shit works from what i understand

consider: wrapping an ace bandage or rubber band around your thumbs so they’re held into your palms. do some typing exercises ignoring spaces. this will work better the more contrived your typing game is. letters and words at a typing without requiring spacebar usage will introduce the least complications.

if you’d like to actually type productively with this method, you can reach down with another finger or ideally use your now knuckle-like thumb to still hit the spacebar. you could also use a character like | or even tab as a substitute space key that you can find and replace afterwards, but you’d be screwing up your habit building introducing this strange substitute.


I type like 91 words a minute and I think the old square method of using home keys and shit is pretty useful. Diff’r’nt keystrokes and all though.

Longest English words typed on one hand (qwerty):
Tesseradecades / Aftercataracts / Sweaterdresses / Tetrastearates (14 letters)

Longest English word typed on right hand (qwerty):
Hypolimnion / Powertripper (12 Letters)

Longest English word typed on adjacent letters (qwerty):
Dessertresses (13 Letters)

Longest English word typed on a single row (qwerty):
Typewriter / Pepperwort / Prerequire / Pretorture / Proprietor / Repertoire (12 letters, all top row)


PRE TORTURE is that like pre gaming for perverts

This is actually one of the ones on the top row, not right hand. It doesn’t matter. But I needed to point it out. I’m sorry.


also welcome to the forums be free go post

necro’ing this thread to post my pb on new, radically weird keyboard layout. (website is monkeytype)

say hello to semimak jq