Outrun 2 – so I can see who votes against it and learn who my enemies are. Also it is the best game of all times.
Yakuza 0
Katamari Damacy
Sam & Max Hit the Road
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter – the only good JRPG
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
Demon’s Souls - it’s the best one
F-Zero GX
Donkey Kong 94
Pac-Man: Championship Edition
Kero Blaster
King of Dragon Pass
NiGHTS Into Dreams
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - the only other good JRPG
Mushihimesama Futari – there are like 5 versions of this and I dunno which one I prefer but it’s my fav shooter
The Legend of Zelda
Mega Man 2
Disco Elysium – the only good CRPG
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball – the best baseball game
Super Mario Maker 2 – I miss a lot of things from the first one but maybe this one is better, I dunno, I think Super Mario Bros is a perfect game but I’d rather nominate Mario’s Makers
Puyo Puyo Tsu
Armed Police Batrider
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood – this is the best 16-bit action game and that’s really impressive since it’s on an 8-bit console
Dragon Quest III - the best JRPG
Shiren the Wanderer
Dota 2 – the most video game video game of all time. This should be in the top 64 and if anyone votes for any of its clones those nominations should be switched to Dota.
La Mulana
Mr Driller Drill Land
Ys Oath in Felghana
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Remake
Bangai-O Spirits
Secret of Monkey Island
Neo Turf Masters – the best fighting game ever made also I’m reigning world champion
Guru Logic Champ
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
Elliott Quest
Sengoku Turb – this should win
Hold on I’ll be back later with a list of 30 more EAD games
Holy shit this is the old arcade cab that was at the dentist’s office I went to a few times as a kid
or to be more precise from looking at screenshots I think it was a Hard Drivin’ cab?
It was one of my first experiences playing any kind of videogame and it terrified me. One of areas on the course was an elevated cliffside that I feel off a few times and the cracked windshield and crash effects looked extremely realistic to me as a 6 year old. I tried to take it slowly but the game was really difficult to control because I could barely reach the petals and the steering wheel had pretty extreme correction feedback. Actually the wheel was so hard to turn and would snap back to place with such force that I could barely control it at all. I was convinced for years that this was exactly how it felt to drive a real car and was shocked by how much easier it was to turn the real thing.
I think about that track a lot. I also distinctly remember running into the barn to see what would happen and the crash scaring the hell out of me.
Easily one of the greatest driving games of all time for the steering alone
Nominate Dota 2 whether you have played it or not and I will play 1 (one) game of Dota 2 with you. You will have a blast, because you’ll be spending time with me, and you will also suffer, because it’s Dota 2.
silent hill 4: the room - a classic contrarian pick; Silent Hill at its peak confusing and frightening, imo, also the least derivative of the SH games after SH1 (which also might be the greatest, but choosing that wouldn’t be a contrarian opening move)
dead rising - the perfect scenario to train players the goals and methods of navigating space via routes through obstacles, against the clock and against arbitrary gamey constraints like shit AI and unexpected enemy encounters. one of the last, or perhaps just of an increasingly rarer type of Japanese game that came out and was able to acquire mainstream success without its idiosyncratic, counter-Western game design being diluted – and at the beginning of a generation of consoles which saw that happen all the time.
tokyo jungle - just a very fun and funny video game i don’t want to see forgot.
Also nominating Excite Truck as my favorite driving game because it’s a racing game where you lose by finishing first and win by driving off the road and grazing the trees like a bullethell on wheels and I’ve never seen someone talk about this
shiren the wanderer
mushihimesama futari
space harrier
galaga 88
streets of rage 2
streets of rage 4
sonic 3 & knuckles
sonic mania
sonic adventure
sonic adventure 2
street fighter iii third strike
street fighter alpha 3
darius gaiden
gigawing 2
shining force 3
psychic force
psychic force 2012
fire pro wrestling world
dangun feveron
chou shoujuu mecha mg
soul calibur vi
magical drop f
Limiting my list to 64 items because more than that doesn’t really make sense. I also tried to generally stick with one game per series. I think I already disagree with parts of my list.
umjammer lammy
burnout 3: takedown
burnout paradise
fancy pants adventure
frog fractions
desert golf
scribblenauts unlimited
luxuria superbia
silent bomber
sky odyssey
groove coaster
tony hawk’s pro skater
toejam and earl
american truck simulator
crazy taxi
super mario bros 3
neko atsume
80 days
hotline miami
jet set radio
mirrors edge
outrun 2
west of loathing
portal 2
raw danger
ridiculous fishing
donkey kong 94
god hand
knytt stories
super mario maker
mgs v
ssx tricky
elevator action returns
steambot chronicles
mega man legends
the cliffhanger edward randy
sonic and allstars racing transformed
sonic the hedgehog 3 & knuckles
katamari damacy
Va-11 Hall-A
tetris DS
for frog the bell tolls
elite beat agents
shadow of the colossus
windows solitaire
hynospace outlaw
incredible crisis
portal 2
sonic adventure
cave story
shovel knight
soul calibur
the sims
Keeping this brief, largely nonsensical and highly personal.
Riven - four puzzles and a fish
Ico - i wanna hold your hand
Prop Cycle - laputa excercise sim
Time Crisis - ACTION!
Ketsui - meditative ballet with numbers
Street Fighter Alpha (not 3) - 7/11 at dusk
Resident Evil (1996) - hollow beretta pop
Vagrant Story - infinite ps1 reverb buffer
Shenmue - lost in the high street, where the dogs run, roaming suburban boys
Thrasher Skate & Destroy - sponsor me
FF VIII - for laguna, wherever you may find him
Shin Megami Tensei (snes) - first person terror mazes
DQ VIII - mysterious tower 10 hours
Broken Sword - an american in paris
Harvest Moon 64 - blues run the game