's top 64 vidcons 2020 - THE NOMINATION

I played many hours of DOTA 1 and 2, and the community was absolutely the worst part of both. The game really draws out the worst of its community too. If you sat down and intentionally tried to design a game to foster the most aggressive and peevish behavior possible, you couldn’t do a better job than this.

Its extremely long games can end up essentially decided an hour before their conclusion and the players just have to grimly carry them out to the bitter end. Almost any small player failure is a direct gain for the other team, and entire games can pivot on relatively small mistakes, so it’s easy for teammates to become frustrated with each other when things go south. It’s a much too complex and difficult game to put totally random strangers from different potential skill levels together, and a single player of lower skill level can completely sink a team’s game, even when all other players are firing on all cylinders.

It’s an awful game. If you are bad at it, you will get screamed at. If you are good at it, a teammate will still scream at you the one time you make a minor misplay. This game, more than anything, is a simulation of the exact feeling of missing a catch in 6th grade PE softball and getting yelled at by your insecure, over-competitive classmates.

Unfortunately, the moment-to-moment gameplay is extremely compelling and the enormous wealth of characters and build options means you can find your favorite ways to play, and keep the gameplay fresh for quite a long time. It’s a great game to mute and listen to music during. There’s a sort of lovely, relaxing feeling to the early-game, where you’re just hanging out in a lane and killing monsters. Until you get screamed at.


we sold ourselves to vote for dota 2

Dota 2 is one of the most popular games in the world so of course its players showed up when it counted most: in this thread.

Last year I developed a Dota habit again and the community was much, much better than it had been years prior. I rarely had to mute people or scold anyone. It was very bizarre and I had a great time playing Dota 2.

But then I got matched with a dude whose steam ID was some nazi bullshit and remembered oh yeah Valve is horrible, I don’t want to share a service with people like this, so I reported him, disconnected, and immediately uninstalled. I bet they never banned that guy.

Anyway when Dota comes up for voting I think we should have a friendly 5 v 5 game where we all get together and enjoy what many gamers call “The Beautiful Game”. It’s free to play! Anyone with a Steam account can download it! We could stream it, and entertain each other with our sick plays and innocent boo-boo’s.

I look forward to seeing Dota go far in this tournament. I can’t wait until it knocks out a big fav, like killer7, or Sonic 3. I can’t wait to have so many new friends to bop creeps with.


im in

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I played DOTA 2 for like an hour when it first came out, left confused and disheartened. I think I hate it but I’d be happy to join a casual game as long as I’m not expected to be any good.

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I received hundreds upon hundreds of “commends” in Dota 2. Those were very rare back in the day. This was because I was a very friendly, forgiving, encouraging player who rarely raged at anyone.

Everyone will have a good time, because I will be there, playing the world’s most video game video game with you.


i wonder if the Most Video Game Video Game thread i made is still around, this seems like a good candidate. can’t remember what i said.

I would definitely join an SB DOTA match!

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i looked at the list and i was like “good list”, and then i looked at the bracket and nearly every match-up filled me with terror

this is gonna be a bloodbath

i’m so stoked


Turned out as a pretty good list overall

The difference between this list and a typical GOAT list is that usually there are many games in there that make me think: OK, the word “greatest” fits, but my heart sinks a little at the idea of actually playing it again. For instance, Gameboy Tetris or Okami.

Whereas I look at the SB list and see instead Tetris: The Absolute: The Grand Master 2 PLUS and Elevator Action and I go: yeah!!


Some serious Sophie’s Choice action going on here!

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i went to the international and switched the side i was sitting on so i could go nuts for WINGS

in the final the teams took so long to vote the live taiko drummers actualy had to stop live playing the character select song

everyone got bracelets that would light up together on shit like first kill and game match and when some lady cast a big purple spell

the team i rooted for won but then they got completely fucked over

there was a dude in front of me shouting racial slurs ar wings (i switched from the usa side to the china side of the arena for a ton of reasons)

i also got called a f-slur on my way to the bathroom

its very hard to seperate the community from the game. i cant abide by ANY valve multiplayer game because of their lackadaisical approach to community moderation. im convinced at this point that they take glee in the toxic behavior they foster

if dota 2 gets far ten of you HAVE to play a match so i can enjoy the game as it WASNT meant to be played


i voted to get some pixel art, i actually dont care about dota 2, it fucking sucks every game like it is garbage


i think dota 2 is good. but i fucking hate it. but i’m voting for it.



can’t believe i forgot to nominate the eternal castle remake. the eternal castle remake is good.


eternal castle is really good but (just because its interesting) it’s not actually a remake, it’s a ruse the devs came up with so they could make a pretty game with CGA graphics. it’s like flashback levels of pretty. its rare that a game trying desperately to be from 1987 succeeds but it fits in pretty well

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Is there a way we could see the list of every game nominated? I’m stupid and I want it.




two for manhole thoguh anx I think one for cosmic osmo what if you made a cyan blob of games

This is the spreadsheet Cania and I came up with. It has some inaccuracies that I believe jellicle corrected. Feel free to let me know how I fucked up…!